[3.2] ~ House of Truth ~ Pt 2

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Camilla wasn't having anything to do with the attempted break into Victor's office because she knew there was nothing in there that could result in a great evil. Something she was happy to say to Eddie when he tried to get her to magic open the door. So, she sat on the top step, watching Eddie and KT as they struggled to get her key to work.

"it's ten o'clock!" Victor bellowed walking out from the kitchen looking up at Camilla looking melancholy on the stairs and giving her a small smile. Assuming she was up there due to the close proximity she had to be in with the 'Jara' couple that evening.

"You all know what that means."

Eddie looked to Camilla in alarm, trying to get her to help to cause the girl to look at him confused until she watched KT pulling at the key in Victor's door. The idiots had managed to get it stuck.

"You have five minutes precisely; then I want to hear a pin... Drop!"

Eddie moved to try yanking on the key and even then, it wouldn't budge. Camilla knew she couldn't do anything with Victor so close because he'd see the magic usage and it was far too early in the school year for her to be getting a lecture off him on magic usage.

Eddie looked to Camilla in panic.

It was too late for the girl to do anything, as Victor's pin dropped the man looked up to see the three students on the level above. Two by his office door and one looking at them with sympathy.

Victor raced up the stairs, jumping over Camilla's legs with elegance the girl was rather surprised to see in the man, turning to face Eddie and KT who were struggling to the key from his office door.

"What are you doing?"

"Vicky -" Camilla started in a soft tone, but the man cut her off with a raise of his hand.

Eddie and KT turning as they watched Camilla scramble to her feet behind Victor, the man glaring at the pair of them.

"We were just..." KT started trying to think up a lie on the spot. "looking for you. There's a really big spider in my room, and I really, really hate spiders." KT lied ignoring the actual facepalm Camilla did behind Victor at her lie.

Victor seemed as unimpressed with the lie as Camilla did, looking blankly at the new American girl.

"And you know what? You wouldn't think it, but Eddie hated them too." KT kept talking.

Eddie looked to KT at her words.

"Move away from the door," Victor ordered in an unimpressed tone. Of course, neither KT nor Eddie moved from the door causing the man to glower, "Move away!"

"thought of being an actor? You have great projection." Eddie told the man as he flinched at the man's raised voice, he too ignoring Camilla's reaction to his words.

"Vicky –" Camilla attempted to get the man's attention once again, trying to help her friends out in any way she could but expecting the dismissive wave Victor gave her once again. The man had zoned in on trouble makers, and he wasn't going to be distracted easily.

Victor moved forward, forcing KT and Eddie to move out of his way so he could see the door and more annoyingly for the student's, the key had gotten stuck inside the door.

"I'm going to take this," Victor told them, pulling the key from the door and holding it up turning so he was facing Camilla too.

"no." KT argued. "that's mine!"

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