[13.1] House of Tombs ~ Pt 1

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Alfie wasn't too fussed about being the Sibuna lookout left behind in Anubis house because his evening had been rather relaxed for a Sibuna mission evening. Something he couldn't say had happened to him in a very long time. In fact, he had turned the evening into his own mission – having had orders from Amber to find out for sure if Mara and Jerome were broken up. They needed to know for certain before moving on to the next phase in their Jamilla plan – they also needed to do some proper recruiting now Amber was overseeing the operation from fashion school. But, of course, Alfie couldn't do all the meddling alone; there was some meddling that simply needed a girl's touch.

Which was why after Joy entered the living room - where he and Mara were sat, to show off the look Camilla had helped put together for her. To make her less Amber-fied but still the fashionable second in command that Camilla needed to be the school's queen, Alfie realised that Joy was the perfect recruit for Mission Jamilla. She was close to Mara, so she could help with intel on that without Alfie having to keep having to resort to extremes, but after the year before, when Camilla had defended Joy with the Jackal article when everyone else had turned their backs on the girl. There had been an unsaid loyalty between the two girls. So joy was the perfect person to recruit, and luckily for Alfie, she was more than happy to join Mission Jamilla.

The pair had discussed at length the many many plans Amber had come up with, knowing there wasn't anything they could do until they knew for certain the official status of Mara and Jerome. Joy also commenting she felt there was more to the duo than a simple relationship. Still, she kept her statement vague, causing Alfie's curiosity to peak until she asked him about the new phone game he had and successfully distracted him.

"get the boss! Get the boss! Get the boss!"

Jerome wandered into the living room of Anubis house to see Joy shouting at Alfie excitedly, watching the boy as he tapped on his phone. Clearly having shown the girl his new game.

The pair let out a groan in defeat, telling the boy they had lost whatever level they had been playing. Which was when Jerome noticed Joy's new look. "Ah... so who have we come as today then?" he couldn't help but comment as he threw his school bag onto the couch before settling down on one of the chairs. Missing the small secret smile that passed between Joy and Alfie.

Joy turned to Jerome with a smirk, "Joy actually, I finally agreed to Camilla's plan of finding my style.... You might want to take her advice, you still going around like Slimy Rat-Fink," with that she got up from the couch, making sure to hiss in his face, "I'm sure Amber would agree that's so last season." With that, she strutted from the room.

The second the girl was gone, Alfie rounded on Jerome, "so, how was detention with Willow? Horrific? I want to know all; Alfie is switched on."

Jerome let out a contemplative sigh, "it was rather... therapeutic, actually."


Jerome nodded at Alfie's confused question. "it helped me put a few things into perspective, and well, I think it's time I moved onto plan 2."

Alfie shook his head as he got up to follow Jerome as the boy wandered to the kitchen, "don't you mean plan b?"

"that would insinuate I only have 26 plans to win back Cam –" the boy's words were cut short as Mara walked into the kitchen with Joy on her heels. "Mara!" Jerome jumped back in surprise.

Alfie slipping past him to grab a cookie from Joy, who was leaning back on a counter to watch the unfolding situation with critical eyes.

"Hello! I didn't see you there." Jerome informed the nerdy girl with a nervous laugh.

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*Where stories live. Discover now