[13.2] House of Tombs ~ Pt 2

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Endgame - House of Anubis

Copyright © (2020) by SarahRCubitt13

All Rights Reserved.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events are productions of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is a coincidence.

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Joy hummed softly to herself as she wandered up to her room. Her first proper day as one of Camilla's chosen 'ladies of her court' – as Alfie had dubbed it when the pair entered the dining room together in the morning to reveal the new look the two girls had created for Joy – had gone rather well she felt. Though she was dying to get the heeled boots Camilla had insisted she wear off her feet, 6 hours of school in heels was agony, and she had no clue how Amber and Camilla had done it for 2 years as well as go on Sibuna adventures too.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she entered her bedroom to see that everything had been moved and her yellow bedding had been changed out for hot pink stripy ones. A frown crossed her face, and the girl actually left the room to look up and down the corridor to make sure she had entered the right room.

"Yep, defiantly my room..." the words slipped from her mouth as she walked back into the room just in time to see Willow pop out from behind her bed.

"SURPRISE!" the grin on the girl's face was wide in its normal infectious way, but Joy was one of the few who never seem to succumb to its charms.

In fact, Joy's brows furrowed as she quickly put two and two together that Willow had something to do with her side of her room having been drastically changed. "Willow, what happened to my stuff?"

"I tided it," Willow explained as if it was obvious.

Joy couldn't help the frustrated smile that flitted onto her face. She had had a long day, and she had a biology test to study for, and her feet were slowly dying from the cute but very uncomfortable boots they were in. The last thing she needed was Willow trying to be helpful in Willows unique way. "Why?" she asked the girl, trying to keep the irritation from her voice as much as she could.

"Because you've been a bit down," Willow told the girl simply, "I wanted to cheer you up!" Willow saw the smile on Joy's face hadn't changed from the forced one and suddenly felt a little uneasy as she glanced about, "oh one thing," the girl leaned down and lifted the dress Joy had borrowed from Amber's wardrobe to reveal the huge hole that had been made when the girl had attempted to iron it. "I am so sorry.... I was ironing, and apparently, real silk needs a low heat. I did not know that." The girl folded up the ruined dress and gently placed it onto the bed before glancing at Joy. "I was just trying to do something nice for you. So you're not at all pleased?" Willow knew the answer to the question because it was written all over Joy's face, but the words innocently slipped from her mouth despite it.

"Pleased?" Joy repeated the girl's word as if shocked it was something that had even flitted into Willow's head at some point during whatever it was the girl had done. "Willow, I don't want you anywhere near my stuff. I don't want you anywhere near me!" the anger bubbled over as the sheer frustration of someone going through her stuff and moving it about hit Joy. The girl raising her voice at the innocent redhead. Joy gestured to the door, "just please,"

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