[17.1] House of Hustle~ pt 1

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Camilla and Fabian were doing everything in their power not to say or physically cringe as they watched KT climb onto the tomb of one of her ancestors to see if she could get a phone signal.  "Still nothing." She told them before ungracefully climbing back down.

"Guys, what about this?" Eddie wandered back from one of the side crypts with a short spear about a meter long with a curved top and headed to the tunnel entrance.

"A stick?"

Eddie threw it gently to Fabian, who examined it with a small smile, "a spear," the boy corrected KT.

"and what are you planning on doing with it?"

"Well, in ancient Egyptian tradition, the spear –"

"-or sceptre –" Camilla interrupted.

"-represented power and domination," Fabian told them all. "So..."

"So ..." Eddie repeated.

"So – "Fabian looked to his sister before Eddie grabbed the stick from his hands.

"we'll try prizing the door open." Eddie placed the spear in the door and tried to force it open with a loud grunt

"Eddie, I didn't think it would work for you." Fabian stopped the boy, who looked at him confused. "Frobisher knew of magic." This was met by silence. "we have this theory about the hierarchy of magic users. If that door was opened with a magic key – I think it'll need a higher magical essence for it to be opened by anything other than that."

"But I'm the Osirian."

Fabian glanced to Camilla for help as he panicked.

Camilla sighed, "and in our working theory, that's not enough. Not even I am enough. Magic can only open what it shuts unless a god or their physical representation on earth is to will it to open."

"A Pharaoh..."

This caused Eddie let out a grunt and throw the spear across the room in annoyance. Fabian looked shocked before he ran after it – muttering about ancient artefacts the whole time.

Eddie looked to Camilla, and his whole demeanour changed, "I was thinking – do you think the ceremony didn't work because of me? Because I haven't been working on magic like I promised you I would."

"No way, you're the Osirian," Camilla said, repeating his previous words.

Eddie sighed, "I'm not so sure I know what that means anymore."

Camilla looked at him and gave him a small, sad smile, "take it from someone who apparently has a destiny far bigger than I can imaging. You have been chosen for this for a reason. What we think the job Protector and Osirian is and what it actually is are two different things. We're talking about many stupid years-old gods here. I promise you, one day, this will all make sense – or I hope it will,"

Eddie didn't look convinced.

"You are part of Sibuna. Part of all this."

"You guys were doing just fine before I got here."

It was now that Fabian interrupted the pair as he returned with the spear in his hand. "I hardly think nearly having my twin sapped of her magic, or nearly losing my girlfriend twice to an ancient Egyptian curse, qualifies as 'doing just fine'."

Camilla smiled at her brother before moving off so he could conclude the pep-talk Eddie needed to hear. Fabian glanced at Camilla before lowering his voice, "Eddie, I spend hours online and in the library, whether it be here or in my family home. I have gone through every single tome, book, and essay my family has ever written – I need to know it all. That's where I fit in, that's my role – but you, Cam.... You two are out there fighting and getting on with it."

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