[12.1] House of Sisters ~ pt 1

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Alfie's distraction of the adults should have been a godsend. Camilla knew it.

But of course, Eddie had to make life slightly harder for her because why would the Osirian want to easily escape the adults' clutches?

The boy paused as he left the secret office of Robert Frobisher-Smythe, looking down as he noticing the abandoned bag of Denby's on the floor, and he instantly snatched it up to look through it.

"Jerk, face come on!" Camilla groaned at him as she turned to see why he had stopped.

"You're complaining isn't helping,"

"I don't think there is any way you can prove that."

Eddie gave Camilla an exasperated look which the girl only responded to with a sarcastic smile. Behind her, he watched KT, Patricia and Fabian slip through the fake panel in the wall up to the oven tunnel. "You don't understand Cam, the letter. There might be proof Denby is an imposter!" he whispered to the girl pulling out a bit of paper from the teacher's bag and waving it in her face.

"Eddie, come on!" Camilla hissed as she heard Denby loudly say something about leaving her bag downstairs from the open cellar door.

Eddie, however, widened his eyes as he realised in his rush to grab Denby's bag he had blocked the door from shutting. Camilla groaned and pushed the boy into the secret study, the pair watching the door shut behind them. There was only one way out now, and only one of them had an amulet of protection from the sunbeam of Ra waiting for them on the other side of it.

Eddie rushed over to the bookcase and started looking around it for whatever book would turn it around to take them to the tunnels. Camilla sighed and glanced to the secret door to the office, knowing it honestly was their only option.

She wandered over to Eddie and put her finger on the book with the Thoth symbol on it. "into the tunnels..." she muttered more to herself as she pulled down on the book, "with an idiot...." With that, the bookcase swung the Osirian and Protector pair around.

Both of them turning to the end of the tunnel, where a beam of light had slowly started to make its way towards them.

"I really hope you have an idea!" Camilla muttered as she took a step forward, hoping the acknowledgement of her pendant would give Eddie a little more time.

Eddie focused on Denby's bag he still had clutched to him, throwing it open and rummaging around in it, "I might have one crazy one," he told The Protector.

"Eddie!" Camilla screamed as a warning as the beam of light reached her shoulder's, her necklace growing before the beam stopped going further on her, but it kept travelling up towards Eddie.

Camilla turned as Eddie pulled out a compact mirror from Denby's bag and held it too his eye. Camilla's eyes widening as she realised the boy's plan, and she crossed her fingers in hopes that it would work. Though they only had seconds before they would find out.

As the beam of light reached Eddie, the intake of breath from Eddie and Camilla in unison could be heard as they both watched with bated breath as the light glinted off the mirror and reflected back onto the wall where it had originated. Then, with sparks coming off it, the pair turned to see an amber stone sizzling in the wall, having been the origin of the light split in two. Well, it seemed the booby trap was officially dismantled now.

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