[16.1] House of Close Calls - pt 1

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"Jesse Em Potem. Jesse Em Potem. Jesse Em Potem."

Sparks were flying between the spikes around Robert's head, causing KT to look excited, but Camilla couldn't help but feel something was wrong. Magic, this big and powerful, should be taking more of a toll on her than it appeared to be taking.

They all stopped chanting and looked at one another uneasily.

"This doesn't feel right," Camilla muttered, looking to her brother, breaking the silence.

"Has it worked? Is he awake?" KT whispered softly, eyes not looking away from the tank where her great-something grandfather was. "Someone say something."

"You say something", Eddie retorted instantly – like a seven-year-old.

"You're the Osirian," KT argued back.

The pair ignored Camilla's comment, but Fabian didn't. Instead, he moved closer to his sister, who was wiping at her nose as if expecting blood and looking confused as to why she saw nothing. "Cam?" he whispered softly.

Camilla looked up at him and shook her head, "I think there must be more to this Fabby..." Fabian looked as confused as Camilla felt, but something in her gut told her they had missed out on something critical. Their ritual hadn't worked. "normally, when I do something this big, I get a nosebleed or something. But magic is a give-and-take thing. So something as big as this would take a lot more from me... from us." she explained in a whisper, watching as Fabian understood, looking between herself and Robert.

The pair turning in time to see Eddie walking towards the man (clearly having lost his whispered argument with KT). The boy leaned forward and spoke, "Hi."

"Oh, Eddie." The twins spoke as one, sarcasm leaking from their words. Any thoughts of the ritual not working leaving their minds as the need to mock Eddie's feeble attempt at communication.

"he's in a tank." Camilla pointed out as Fabian concluded for her.

"He's not going to hear that."

"Gods okay, calm down." Eddie glanced between the pair. It wasn't often someone was dealt the wrath of both twins' sarcasm at once, and he understood why. He turned his attention back to Robert in the tank, trying to think of a way to check if he was awake or not. Then, pulling his phone from his pocket, he switched on the torch. He shone it into the man's eyes – knowing if that was him, it would be hard to fake being awake with a bright light being directed towards him. "Mr Frobisher-Smyth?" he shouted at the man, just to be safe. "Hello?"

They watched as there was no response to the boy's shouting or the torchlight.

"Even though we failed, we failed together..." Camilla tried to sound positive as Eddie let out a frustrated groan and turned back to look at them all.

"Nothing! Okay, he's still sleeping like a baby!" Eddie angrily told them as he backed up and kicked the salt circle Camilla had spent 45 minutes drawing. They all felt the buzz that had been held safe, leaving the now broken circle.

"You were right," Fabian told his sister as he moved forward to look over Robert himself. "We must have missed something somehow." With that, he pulled out the notebook and started to flip through the pages. "But what though?"

"KT, I promise you," Camilla turned to the girl who had said nothing but looked close to tears. Her grandfather had given her this task, and she probably thought she had failed him somehow. 

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