[2.2] ~ House of Presents pt 2

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Fabian waited until after dinner before pulling out the file he had found in Victor's office, looking over it on his bed with a sigh.

There was a knock on his door causing his head to whip-round, trying to hide the files as Patricia snuck in.

Fabian let out a sigh of relief seeing the girl, "Patricia, it's just you."

Patricia wandered over and sat down on the boy's bed looking at the files too. They were Nina's school files, but there were odd extra things added on Papyrus paper. Weird scribblings and notes in many hands. As if the information had been passed down the generations. "this your findings?"

Fabian nodded, "it's mainly information about the Chosen One, mainly stuff we know already." He explained as Patricia picked up a bit of paper gently, "someone born on a certain day, special powers, blah blah blah. Sarah Frobisher-Smythe feature's pretty heavily."

"she was the original chosen One, was she not?" Patricia asked, "Before Nina."

Fabian nodded his head as he glanced at an old picture of a girl by the gatehouse. Clearly, Sarah, when she was younger.

"Isis's protector or the Osirian?" Patricia asked, getting an odd look from Fabian, "What? It may explain why Camilla and Eddie have been weird,"

"Nothing really, the only mention of them is the fact there was no clue as to why the powers and destinies went to the generation we have now." Fabian sighed. "aka, Nina, Eddie and Cam."

Patricia looked around the room before her eyes landed on Eddie's laptop, her eyebrow quirking before she rushed over to it.

"what are you doing?" Fabian instantly asked, knowing Patricia on a laptop could be a lethal thing.

"you thought Eddie and Cam were in league with them," Patricia turned to look at him, "I'm just finding out whether or not you were right." She put simply.

"Patricia!" Fabian ran over to the bed and put a hand over the laptop stopping the girl from opening it, "you can't just go through people's things?"

Patricia glowered at him before looking around and turning to Eddie's drawers, "just watch me, Fabian." The girl flung open a drawer and started searching, before letting out a gasp. "No way..."

"What?!" Fabian ran over and looked over the girl's shoulder to see what she had found in the drawer.

Fabian couldn't help as he too gasped as his eyes settled on what had caused Patricia to exclaim.

Nestled inside the drawer, between a pair of odd socks and a crumpled t-shirt (Fabian trying not to flinch at how unorganised the boy's drawers were but not everyone went to the same extreme lengths as him to keep on top of their things) was Nina's locket.

A pure silver depiction of the eye of Horus with a Ruby gemstone to represent the eye, Camilla having an identical ruby but on a ring in gold which was always on the ring finger on the girls' right hand. Nina and Camilla having being given them both by Sarah Frobisher-Smythe as gifts.

The real question was; why did Eddie have Nina's locket.

Patricia leaned into the drawer and snatched up the locket examining it closely as if not believing what she was seeing.

"What is Eddie doing with Nina's locket?" Patricia asked Fabian.

The boy taking the locket from Patricia and examine it too with shaking hands. "I told you." The boy's tone was quiet but firm, the locket only proving even more that Eddie was up to something and the teachers were involved. "He knows more about her disappearance than he's letting on," Fabian looked to Patricia.

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