[15.2] House of Anticipation ~ Pt 2

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It would be a miracle till their dying day the speed in which the five Sibunas managed to get the Tank with the undead Frobisher from one point of the school grounds to where the Crypt was on Alfie's weird map. But, of course, only Alfie could find the surface entrance to the creepy Crypt and not inform anyone in Sibuna after they had all been inside it via the tunnels already. Thankfully, however, according to Alfie, who was dressed like a soldier, they just needed to round the bend of trees and be there.

"Once we get Frobisher into The Crypt." Eddie whispered to them as a small run-down hut built into a crumbling outhouse came into view, "we should be fine."

"that shouldn't be a sentence that seems normal to us," Camilla grunted as she pushed the wheelbarrow – heels and woods were not friends, and she was trying hard not to complain too much, but she saw the mud on the bottom of the designer knee-high boots and knew they would be a nightmare to clean.

"Alfie! You were right," Fabian laughed as he gazed across the shed next to the crumbling building they had just pulled up in front of. Once upon a time, they would have dismissed the building as just another of the Anum Estates' weird outhouses, but after learning about Camilla's Lab, they all knew looks could be deceiving. Fabian, Eddie and Camilla all seeing the small magical aura around the hut, keeping it together and hidden in plain sight.

"So that's what it looks like on the outside." KT looked around the building, unimpressed. Camilla couldn't blame her. It was her family crypt, and even the Rutter's had a little more going on in their family Crypt. "And here I thought it would be all spooky."

"So, how do we get in?" Eddie questioned.

KT stepped forward and looked the door up and down, her eyes falling to the lock that had a crescent moon symbol engraved above it – though it was just seen thanks to the ageing of the wood. Her thumb wiped over it gently before she pulled out her key from her back pocket. "I have a pretty good idea."

Alfie scrunched up his face and looked back at Camilla before glancing at KT – clearly, the boy had missed something in his Sibuna notes, "you always carry a key to a musty old dead people hang out?"

"That's the kinda girl I am?! KT joked with a forced southern twang to her voice, getting laughs from all but Alfie, who still looked confused.

Camilla laughed at the boy's expression and grabbed her best friend's shoulders, "Magic key, Alfie, a magic key." 

"ah, yes." Alfie realised with a nod of his head, "forgot we don't have normal lives for a second." The boy looked to KT as she went to put the key in the keyhole. "be careful for Zombie stragglers."

Fabian sighed from the other side of Frobisher to the boy and his sister. Eddie, beside him, trying to hide his amused smile, "Alfie, we've talked about this. Zombies don't exist."

"But there are such things as sleeping Egyptologists?" Alfie desperately turned to look at the male twin. "I'm so confused and never going to your house for a sleepover for a long time," the last bit was directed to Camilla, who snorted. Of course, undead sleeping Frobisher would cause Alfie Lewis to have a fear of Egyptologists.

"We're going to have to draw him a diagram," Camilla teased, causing Fabian to laugh.

"And like you'd stop sleeping over at ours, you have a room and everything, thanks to Grandma Rutter," Fabian added, causing Alfie to look between the twins with a grin.

As this conversation was happening, KT was fiddling around with the lock on the door. Then, with a grunt and a very loud creak, the Sibuna's all looked her way as the door that had been locked for how many decades finally opened up to reveal the secrets behind it.

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