[7.1] House of Pi - Pt 1

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The speed at which Alfie, Camilla and Fabian scrambled up the stairs towards Victor's office. In fact, the three were so busy rushing off to see the man on his 'date' with Trudy that Fabian had even forgotten to put down his guitar, so it was on their weird mini adventure with them to find out what the adults in their house were up too.


As the three crept up to the door, they all uneasily looked to one another. This was clearly not a date but an interrogation. The three students didn't need the man to say what he was after the three of them already knew—the bracelet.

"Victor..." Trudy's trembling voice was the response they heard through the door. "I don't know what's got into you."

Alfie leaned closer to the door, causing the floorboard under his foot to creak. The twins looked to one another eyes widening. If they heard the noise, then Victor certainly had.

"I think I'm going to leave now," Trudy spoke up, but after that there was silence. The three students leaning even closer to the door at the sudden lack of noise.

Until the door was thrown open and the three of them went falling unceremoniously into the office room. Looking up at Victor and Trudy from where they were now sprawled on the floor.

"What are you three doing there?!" Victor asked, looking down at them on the ground with a scowl on his face.

"Well, you see Vicky... I told them you were on a date and, uh..." Camilla scrambled to her feet, trying to think up an excuse, brushing down her clothing as she did. Fabian and Alfie following the girl's actions.

"eh... we thought we'd add some atmosphere to it." Fabian continued for his sister as he held out his guitar, Alfie racing to the desk, grabbed some flowers off it and held them out to Trudy.

"Serenade you in the language of love!" Alfie added with a nervous laugh, watching the uneasy looks the adults gave one another.

Alfie and Fabian could pull something off they knew, but Singing or music in any sense of the word was not Camilla's strong point.

Camilla tapped on her brother's guitar, "play something Fabby!" she hissed with a forced smile on her face looking around the room.

Fabian looked to his sister nervously before he started to randomly strum chords. Alfie and Camilla swaying slightly.

"Your eyes are like... stars..." Alfie started to sing, Camilla humming along as she swayed to the music. "All beautiful and twinkly! Your face, it is so .... Pure..."

"Sure..." Fabian mumbled.

"Although he is kind of wrinkly!" Alfie teased laughing as he sang, looking to Victor who glowered at the boy's remark.

"Alfred Lewis!" Victor's tone of voice caused Fabian to stop strumming instantly, and the three students turned to face Victor nervously. "this is not a date." The man told them all bluntly.

Camilla frowned and looked to Trudy who seemed genuinely hurt at the news.

"Oh." The woman spoke up, getting to her feet, looking over them all before running from the room.

"Trudy!" Victor and Camilla both called after the woman, Camilla looking to Victor with a glare before racing after the housemother. Hearing footfalls on the stairs as she reached the kitchen knowing Fabian and Alfie had just been thrown out of Victor's office.

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