[1.2] House of Arrivals ~ Pt 2

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Dinner was extremely awkward for everyone who sat at the table (though the moment dinner was over they were all quick to disperse into the main living room to get away from the tension), mainly because the two Anubis house members that made up the couple of Peddie were acting very, very weird.

Of course, Camilla knew why. The girl watching the events happening in the dining room from over her Grimoire with lazy interest. She had managed to claim the armchair furthest from Jerome and Mara on the couch and was curled up in a cat-like awkward position, but she had been sat there for so long now she had grown rather comfortable. She was trying to figure out how to simplify the ingredients for an intoxication spell she had read in the books she had 'borrowed' from Victor over the holidays. A spell Camilla and Fabian totally hadn't tried out when bored in Egypt and totally didn't accidentally found outworked on Goats as well as humans (sorry Gary).

"Okay so, end of the last term," Joy's words from the kitchen caused Camilla to look over her book at the table which Patricia and Amber, Eddie was hovering around there too for some reason only the boy knew. "you two," Joy pointed between Patricia and Eddie with a wooden spoon, "were all loved up. You go quiet on me during the summer, and now, you're acting all, like..." Joy paused to watch the two be almost too polite to one another as Eddie handed over an empty plate to Patricia, "that... What gives?"

As Patricia looked around at Joy giving her an exasperated look for pointing out the awkwardness between the two (not that no one hadn't noticed it), Eddie looked to Camilla with a hopeless one, before turning back just in time for Patricia to smile at him, a rather forced a smile. "we split up." She said simply, answering the question Joy had asked with a glance back to her best friend.

"Shut up!" Joy exclaimed in shock, slamming her hands down onto the kitchen unit as she gasped dramatically.

"It was a mutual decision," this comment of Patricia's caused a loud snort from Camilla who hid her face behind her book as the goth pixie looked the female twin's way before continuing, knowing at that moment Camilla knew the truth of her and Eddie's big breakup, "and we are both totally cool with it..." she trailed off.

"yeah... as cool as a cucumber," Eddie spoke, sending a fake smile to Patricia, "As two cucumbers who are no longer together... right, Patricia?"

"Right..." The girl replied in agreement.

"Good. Well, I'm so cool with it, I'm practically a popsicle," Eddie told her sending her yet another fake smile before turning from the table and wandering over to Camilla, sitting himself down on the arm of the girl's seat, trying not to seem as heartbroken by the whole thing as he felt.

It was one thing breaking up over the summer; it was another seeing the girl again.

Camilla leaned over and placing a comforting hand over his – they were in this together, they could both be each other's rock's in this time of heartbreak. Knowing she couldn't say much in the present company, but Eddie seemed to get the message as he squeezed her hand and gave her a small grateful smile as he glanced down at her.

Both Eddie and Camilla missing the glares sent their way as Jerome and Patricia saw their hands.

Camilla's curiosity peaked as she saw Fabian re-enter the room. She put her Grimoire down onto the American boy's knee and squeezed Eddie's hand before nodding to the dining room area, as Joy, Amber and Patricia crowed around him. The Protector and the Osirian pretended to be reading over something in the book when really the two were keeping an eye on the 'Sibuna' meeting.

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*Where stories live. Discover now