[18.1] House of Set-up ~ pt 1

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The Solar Eclipse project was all their year group and the school could talk about. Not only did their year group get to organise the whole event, which meant no classes for the rest of the week, but the rest of the school also got the Friday off classes to witness the occasion.

Everyone had been busy, but as Friday loomed closer and closer, Sibuna found themselves getting more anxious by the day. They were all sitting around the dining room table, picking at the breakfast as Trudy bustled about.

"Only one more day to go!" the woman excitedly sang at them all as she placed an orange juice down on the table between Eddie and Fabian. She was just as excited as everyone else, as all Houseparents and teachers had also been included in the Eclipse activities.

"We know, Trudy. The Eclipse is tomorrow," Eddie said in a less-than-enthusiastic voice, trying to pass it off as him being tired, not the fact that the Sibunas were at a loss for what to do so close to the Eclipse.

"That's pretty much all we've been thinking about," Fabian told their house-mother, trying to sound a little more excited.

Trudy must have bought their lack of enthusiasm for tiredness due to how busy they all had been in the last few days trying to scrape the even together in so little time and looked around at the table of Sibuna's with a warm smile. "Well, Mr Sweet will be very pleased to hear that. He just wants to make sure that everybody knows what's coming." With an excited smile on her face, Trudy wandered back into the kitchen.

"An ancient Egyptian evil... that's what's bloody coming," Patricia muttered as she played with her untouched cereal.

"Yeah." Eddie agreed with a whisper.

KT looked around at her friends. At Sibuna, the people who had let her into their secret about the truth in the world. These were the only people she trusted with a job this important, and like her, it looked like they were as confused as she was about what to do. "Come on guys, I was sent here to find Camilla," she gave the girl a smile, who gave her a sleepy one in return, "so we can fix this. And we are a day away and still have no plan."

"There's got to be a way," Eddie also looked to Camilla. He knew she had been all but living in her lab, looking through books and scrolls since the Eclipse talk had started for anything that could inspire them for a plan of action.

"I am looking, I promise," Camilla told him.

Patricia leaned forward, "If we can't do the ceremony ourselves, then we just have to make sure the adults can't do it either."

Camilla's eyes widened as an idea formed in her head, "Or we could make sure they perform the ceremony we want them to? We know Victor will be leading them; it could be an idea."

Patricia scoffed, "I thought you'd realised Victor isnt on your side this time." She saw the hurt cross Camilla's eyes and gave her a tight smile, "I know we will never get your relationship, but come on Cam, you know it's true this time."

"I just... I just don't want it to be true."

"Seriously. When did you start believing in impossible heroes?" Patricia's words brought a silence to the table.

Camilla had slumped back in her chair in defeat, causing Eddie and Fabian to look at one another over her head.

"But I was sent here to stop-"KT started returning the conversation to what they had been discussing.

"-To stop a great evil. Yes." Patricia waved the girl off. She was turning into a broken record with her great evil talk. "So, I was thinking, We ensure they can't have the things they need. The bracelet. The spell ingredients. And the descendant." Patricia made sure to point from Eddie to Fabian and finally to KT as she listed off each thing.

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