[6.2] House of Questions ~ pt 2

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Patricia knew she was acting like a child as KT came rushing into the room mumbling excuses about her and Eddie. The gothic girl put headphones on her head and didn't lift them off until their bedroom door shut with KT leaving to take an evening shower. Patricia turned round to see Joy sending her a frown and rolled her eyes. Yes, she was acting out a little, but she couldn't control her jealousy. Her and Eddie's big break up had been one huge misunderstanding, but Patricia wasn't going to talk to him and tell him that. She knew she was being stubborn, but it was who she was. She wasn't going to change that for anyone... especially a boy.

"I don't even care if she is with Eddie," Patricia argued slightly. "in fact, I hope they are, and they can annoy each other to death."

Mara wandered in and glanced to the ranting Patricia before looking to Joy, "Eddie and KT?" Joy nodded her head slightly. Mara sat on Joy's bed and looked to Patricia with a slight frown. "but I thought Eddie was on a date with Camilla?"

Patricia let out a laugh as did Joy, "as if!"

"Camilla would never, she's a one guy kind of girl, and we know her heart is taken." Joy trailed off as Patricia shot her a look.

Mara saw the glance but pretended she didn't, the last thing she needed to be reminded off was Camilla's feelings for her boyfriend.

"Anyway, what's going on you and Rutter number two?" Patricia quickly moved the subject to something safe, epically with Mara in the room.

"Have you asked him out yet?" Mara asked excitedly turning to face Joy.

Joy blushed slightly at the questions glancing at her friends, "Anyone for hot chocolate?" she got to her feet and straightened her skirt before turning to see their bemused faces and let out a sigh, "look, I will. I just need to find the right moment, that's all."

"What?" Patricia scoffed, "sometime next century?"

Joy pulled a face at her friend, "you're not even supposed to be here. You're scheduled Fabian duty remember?"

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever..." Patricia rolled her eyes at her friend, the last thing Fabian needed was a babysitter anyone knew that.

Joy turned to Mara and nodded her head to the door. Mara getting to her feet and following Joy out.

Patricia waited until the door softly shut before she jumped from the bed and raced over to KT's side of the room. Going straight to her bedside table, knowing that is where the girl kept her most coveted secrets. The first thing she found was a leather-bound diary she'd seen the girl write in every night, the girl opening it up and glancing over it.

"Eddie seems cool and Funny," she read aloud bitterly, "but Camilla is the better of that duo that is for sure. She is far funnier. Joy is pretty awesome and –" Patricia frowned at the book before snapping it shut, "okay the award from the most boring diary ever goes to..." with a sigh, she jammed it back into the drawer only to hear something metal clink and her curiosity got the better of her. Pulling open the drawer and lifting out a long elegant key with a crescent moon on top. Her eyes widening as she recognised the symbol.

Patricia hurriedly pushed the drawer shut before she rushed from the room.


Fabian looked up from his work as he heard a hammered knocking on his bedroom door, and before he had even had a chance to hide his working, Patricia came barging in. "Patricia we spoke about knocking –"

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*Where stories live. Discover now