The Truth Comes Out✗

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A/n: Firstly, happy thanksgiving!!!!! I hope you all have an amazing day!! Yesterday I went to the doctors and had to get blood drawn and they took it from my hand because they couldn't find it in my arms, so now my hand is bruised and sore. 😂 Aside from that, I got good news when they told me my weight. I lost nearly 30 pounds from the last time I went to the doctors. Its crazy but yeah, my mind is at ease for the reason I went to begin with. ANYWAY, have an amazing thanksgiving, I hope you're doing well and that you have a great day!! I love you♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡



When y/n and I get home, we sit down and talk. I had things to tell her, things I hadn't.

"What's up? What did you want to say?" Y/n asks, giving me her full attention.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I sit up straight, turning my gaze her way.

"There some things I haven't told you and I need to." I start, shifting my eyes ever so slightly.

"What is it?" Y/n asks, her brows now furrowed. My words had put her on edge.

My mouth felt dry as I felt y/n's gaze on me. "Please don't hate me after I tell you this..." I say.

"Don't say It like you're about to give me a reason to..." Y/n says, her eyes filling with hurt, expecting the worst.

"After everything happened, when I thought you were gone, I did something really bad." I say, the guilt eating away at me.

Y/n sat there, waiting for me to say the part she was waiting for, the bad part.

"That night, I went to the house of the mafia that came after us." I start, gulping.

"Why?" Y/n asked, her words dry.

"I wanted to give myself up. I was going to let them have everything, even my life. I went there, broken. I wasn't in my right mind." I say, my voice choking.

"What happened when you got there?" Y/n asked, her eyes flashing.

"The refused to kill me. They claimed killing you was enough to kill me without actually doing it. They wanted me to suffer." I say, my eyes blank as I stared into space.

"Then what?" Y/n asked, her voice low and almost inaudible.

I bit my bottom lip, the guilt stronger than ever before.

"I killed them, y/n...I killed all of them." I say, my voice shaking as my bottom lip quivered.

"I didn't stop, I couldn't. I killed everyone, even the innocent wives and children" I say, my body beginning to shake. 

"I'm a monster. I'm just like my father." I choke as I break down into tears.

As my body shakes violently, I feel arms pulling me into the warmth of a chest.

"I'm a monster." I cry as I cling to y/n, my sobs loud. Y/n rocked me back and forth, cradling my head.

"You're not your father, Jungkook. You were hurting, blinded by an overwhelming feeling of pain. That does not mean you're like your father. You're nothing like that vile man." Y/n says, her voice serious.

"I am. I killed so many innocent people. I killed childeren, y/n. I'm a monster." I cried into y/n's chest.

Y/n fell silent, unable to find the words to say to me.

"Do you hate me?" I ask, looking up at y/n through my tears. Y/n shook her head, shushing me.

"I could never hate you, Jungkook. What you did was bad but you can't it back, not now. It doesn't mean you're your father. You'll never be him and I promise you that." Y/n says as she rests her chin on the top of my head.

I sniffled as I listened to sound of y/n's heart beat in my ear. It didn't race faster, it remained normal.

Y/n wasn't scared of me, she didn't hate me. Y/n was the only person in this world who had a heart of gold that could continue to love a horrible man like me...

"Are you upset at me for wanting to die?" I ask, my voice low.

Y/n wrapped her arms around me tighter, holding me to her closely.

"If it were you, I would have done the same. This life isn't worth living if you're not here with me." Y/n says, her words sending a shiver through me. 

"It was hell, y/n. I really thought I had lost you. My heart hurt so bad I thought I would die from that pain alone." I say, thinking back to that day.

"It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life and I've been through a lot of painful times. It destoryed me. The thought of living without you wasn't an option. If you weren't here with me, life was meaningless." I say, zoning back out.

"I'm so sorry." Y/n says from above me, her voice quiet.

I move my head to look at her before I speak again. "Just don't leave me again, please."

Y/n nods, sniffling. "I'm not going anywhere." She says as she leans down and kisses me.

I take her face in my hands, moving up so I can get better access.

I kiss y/n with every ounce of passion I have in my body. Every ounce of love I have.

My hands hold her hips, pulling her closer to me. The feeling of y/n's lips on mine made my heart feel full.

Right here, this was real. We are living. We're breathing. We're all put on the earth with a purpose and my purpose was finding y/n. 

When I break the kiss, y/n grabs my hand and stands up.

I watch as she shifts her eyes towards our bedroom. I instantly knew what she was signaling.

I let y/n pull us over to our room, guiding us to the bed.

"I love you, Jungkook. Now and forever." Y/n says as she pulls me in for another kiss.

"I love you." I whisper against her lips as I let the cold sheets hit our back.

Well, you know what came next. 



"Thank you for telling me." I say quietly, brushing my fingers gently over Jungkook's bare back.

"You deserved to know." He says as his eyes search mine.

I smile as I lean my head against Jungkook's chest, letting my eyes fall shut.

That night, Jungkook slept peacefully, no nightmares. 


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