Like Father Like Son...Sike✗

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The sound of beeping surrounded me, waking me up from the slumber I was in.

As I opened my eyes I came face to face with a white room and bright lights.

Looking around, I saw everyone staring at me with cornered eyes and worried faces.

"Y/n, you're awake!" Jimin cried, throwing himself at me.

"What happened? Where am I?" I ask, shielding my eyes from the bright lights around me.

"You're in the hospital, y/n. Um, You're..." Yoongi trailed off, averting his eyes from mine.

"Pregnant, Ms. L/n. You're pregnant." I hear and look over to see a doctor walking into the room.

"Pregnant? How is that possible. I haven't done anything recently...I-I drank the other night! Oh god, is the baby..." I trial off, assuming the worst. 

"We did find traces of alcohol in your system but luckily, it hasn't caused any problems to the baby. You weren't aware you were pregnant?" The doctor asked, clicking his pen.

"I wasn't. Like I said, I didn't..." But I trailed off as a thought came to my mind.

"How far along am I?" I ask, pulling my bottom lip in. "Nearly two months. I'm surprised you weren't aware." The doctor says and my stomach turns.

That night...The night with Jungkook that I had been trying to forget this whole time.

"Where is Jungkook? Why isn't he here?"I ask, looking around and realizing that he was no where to be seen.

The guys fell silent as Yoongi's eyes flashed in sadness.

When Namjoon spoke, my heart dropped.

"He left."



I left.

I had to get out of there and get air. I couldn't believe what the doctors had said.

Y/n was pregnant, nearly two month pregnant.

That meant it happened the night I practically forced y/n to have sex. The night I fucked up completely.

That meant this child would only remind y/n of that horrible time and of the horrible things I did.

I didn't want to believe it. Not only that but I couldn't be a father...Not in this life, not with who I am.

I'm not ready to be a father, i'll never be ready.

I'll end up just like my own father and y/n will hate me. I can't handle that.

Suddenly, my phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts.

As I pulled the phone out I noticed a call from y/n. My heart ached in my chest as I stared at the name on my phone.

As badly as I wanted to answer, I couldn't bring myself to. I couldn't face this. I was a coward...

When the phone stopped ringing I felt a single tear fall down my cheek.

I am a horrible man. I'm a monster, just like my father.



"Why isn't Jungkookie coming?" Jimin whispered from beside me, his voice worried and sad.

I looked over at y/n who was staring out into space, tears stained on her face.

With Jungkook's behavior right now I could only imagine how hurt y/n was feeling.

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