Moving In✗

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Before you guys read this chapter please scroll to the very end after the "[...]" and look at what's down there!!! Then read the chap. K thx! ♡♡♡ ✿﹆﹆☟☟☟☟


When Jungkook and I got back to our house to pack, Jungkook was oddly silent.

I knew he was upset about us having to re join the mafia and I wasn't too happy about it either.

Still, I knew that wasn't the only thing bothering him.

"You shouldn't have told me to kiss Yoongi if you knew you were gonna be jealous." I say as I peer over at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked over at me and huffed.

"I bet he's been wanting to do it for a while too." Jungkook mumbles, his eyebrows furrowed.

I scoff as I continue to pack up my things.

After a moment of silence, Jungkook spoke.

"Did you like it? Do you think he's a better kisser then me?" Jungkook asks.

I look over at Jungkook, a look of pure amusement on my face at Jungkook's questions.

"Do you want me to answer that?" I ask, teasing.

"Y/n!" Jungkook whines, stopping what he was doing.

"I'm kidding. You know you're the only person I want to kiss." I say and Jungkook frowns.

"You totally avoided the question. Where is the "No, baby, he isn't a better kisser then you?" Jungkook says.

I smile as I lean over and rest my hand on Jungkook's leg.

"I didn't want to kiss him, Jungkook, and you know you're a better kisser." I say.

I watched as Jungkook grinned widely at my words, feeling cocky now.

Now I definitely couldn't tell him that the kiss with Yoongi wasn't even remotely horrible.

To be honest, Yoongi was a great kisser. Not that I should tell Jungkook that.

"Good. Now let's forget about it. I don't want you thinking about it while we're living with him." Jungkook says.

"Okay, Chief." I laugh as I scoot back over and finish packing up my things.


Once all of mine and Jungkook's things were packed, we made our way back to the mafia house.

I knew now that we were back in the mafia, things would get difficult but as long as no one knew I was still alive, things would be okay.

"Welcome back!" Jungkook and I were greeted at the door by Jimin and Tae who were attached at the hip.

"Hey." I say, offering them both a friendly smile. Of course, they smiled widely in return.

"Yoongi, they're back!" Hoseok called and after a second the office door opened and then Yoongi began making his way down the stairs.

When Yoongi got to us, our eyes met and he looked away as if he were embarrassed to meet my gaze.

Jungkook noticed and made a face that quickly changed as he saw Soo-hyun appear from behind Yoongi.

I instantly frowned at her presence. "Welcome back, Y/n." She said, her voice somewhat taunting.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest.

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