Another End To New Beginnings;Marriage✗FINAL

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3rd Pov—

"Today is the big day!" Y/n yells, jumping on top of Jungkook, the smile on her face shining brightly.

Jungkook grumbled as y/n woke him from his sleep. Regardless, he sat up, giving in to her want for him to wake up.

"Are you excited?" Y/n asked, grinning at Jungkook with bright eyes.

"Of course I'm excited." Jungkook said as he leaned over and pecked y/n's cheek.

"Then get up!! We have to get Nari up then head over to the chapel." Y/n says as she stands.

Jungkook watched as y/n made her way over to the door and swung it open.

As she did, Jungkook was surprised to see his daughter already standing behind the door, her stuffed pink bunny in her hand. 

"Daddy!" She said, flashing a toothy grin as she ran for Jungkook and wrapped her small arms around his leg.

"What about me?" Y/n asked, frowning as she watched the scene in front of her.

Nari looked over at y/n before leaning her head onto Jungkook. Y/n grinned as she shook her head.

"Such a daddy's girl." Y/n smiles as she heads over to them and sits down on the bed.

"Of course she likes me better." Jungkook says as he sticks his tongue out at y/n.

Y/n smiled as she looked over at her soon to be husband and their child.

"We should get going. We have to get everything ready." Y/n says and Jungkook nods as he stands, pulling Nari up onto his shoulders in the process.

As of today, Jungkook and Y/n were happily living in their house in Busan.

Nari was officially three and everything was perfect. Now today was the day y/n and Jungkook had been waitng for for forever now.

Their wedding day.

It was long awaited but now the day was finally here and everyone was very excited.

"Ready to head over?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed Nari's dress.

Y/n nodded as she too grabbed her things.

With that, the three headed out to the chapel where the others were wating to help y/n get ready.


Upon arriving at the chapel, they met up with the guys who were there to help. 

"Nari!!" A small voice cried as they entered the chapel. Jungkook instanty smiled at who the voice came from.

Running towards Nari was Yoongi and Jimin's son, Min-jae.

Yoongi and Jimin had adopted Min-jae nearly two years ago after Jimin and Yoongi had started dating.

Jimin loved kids and Yoongi too wanted a child as well. Now the two were happily in love and had their own family.

"Min Min." Nari said, her face brightening. Y/n smiled as she leaned into Jungkook's side.

"It's been awhile, how have you guys been?" Yoongi asked, stepping toward Jungkook and Y/n, Jimin at his side.

"We've been good." Jungkook smiles as he wraps his arms around y/n.

Yoongi looked between the two of them and over at Jimin. "I'm finally happy too." Yoongi smiles.

"I'm glad." Y/n says as she smiles, looking between both of them.

"Mommy! Get married!" Nari said as she tugged on y/n's leg, slightly shielding her face from the others.

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