Waking up with a, mate?

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Sorry the last chapter was so short. this was will be longer.

Melanie POV

"Owwww" I groaned when I woke up. then I remembered. Jaxon had knocked me out. Now I was scared, I tried to see where I am because the bed I was in was much more comfy compared to the stack of blankets I have in my room. As I was looking around, I couldn't see anything but a few faint figures I guessed were pieces of furniture. The room was so dark, almost pitch black.

Then I heard a creek and a burst of light throughout the room. My eyes hurt a bit from the light but they adjusted pretty quick. The room I was in was huge, and when I say huge, I mean HUGE dark blue room with pictures of what I think we're the old alphas. The bed I was in was a king sized bed with dark blue blankets and pillows. There was a black dresser with a 50 inch tv on top of it. There was also a couple of tan-brown colored couches scattered across the area.

I was horrified when I saw the person who had walked through the door and was staring at me with piercing bright blue eyes. He was about 5'8 and had light brown hair. This man in the door was was gorgeous. Until I realized who it was it was Jaxon the soon to be alpha. My wolf, angel was screaming in my head 'MATE, MATE, MATE' but me I was like no freaking way this can not be happening!!!

He was just staring at me with, wait what was that? What I saw in his eyes had me scared but my wolf satisfied. His eyes held curiosity, anger, and love?

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