One... Two... Three...

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Alyssa's POV

I can't believe Jac did that!!! I'm not even Luna yet, I shouldn't be signing those treaty papers.

I jumped when I felt a pair of arms go around my waist.

"Are you okay, you seem a little... Jumpy?" Jac teased me.

"Why did you make me sign those papers, I'm not Luna."

"You will be and hopefully soon," he announced playing with my hair while I blushed.

I could stand here all day in this position, but we both have things to do.

"But I'm not yet."

He sighed, "just don't worry about it yet, okay?"

"Fine," I crossed my arms, pouting in a way. he laughed at me.

I was about to turn around when I was lifted in the air.

"Put me down!" I yelled at Jac who slung me over his shoulder.

"Nah, I don't think I will," he laughed again. His laugh was music to my ears.

"Nice butt," I said, giving up on trying to get away.

"Yours ain't that bad either."

I blushed at his response, man I've been blushing way to much.

"So... When were you planning on putting me down?" I asked, still wondering where he was taking me. I hate not being able to see where I'm headed.

"Right now," he said and threw me off his shoulder.

"Wait wha-," he threw me in the lake! I practiced swimming a lot and new how to hold my breathe for a long time.

Jac was starting to worry and looked around for me. When he couldn't find me, I swear if he was human, he would've had a couple heart attacks by now.

I smirked, that's what you get for throwing me in the lake. I was still under water and swam to the edge of the water that was hidden by rocks. When I get out, Jac won't be able to see me.

He was still looking out over the water so I silently snuck up on him. When I was close enough, I pushed him and he fell. Ooh that's going to hurt. He did a full on belly flop.

I was laughing so hard, I didn't notice him get out. He was now a foot away and when he tried to grab me again I ran for my life.

Laughing and running I almost tripped.. several times.

He was gaining on me.

I did the next best thing after running, "help!"

I tried running for the pack house still screaming. I knew someone would hear me and come running.

Soon enough, I saw Austin coming my way.

"Austin, help me!"

At the sight of me he picked up the pace and when he got to me, he was searching for any danger and standing in a protective stance in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

I pointing toward the forest, where we saw Jac running and panting.

Jac was not happy about the way Austin was protecting me from him.

"Get away from her!" he growled and you could hear a flock of birds going the other way when they heard his booming voice.

Austin froze before quickly scampering as far away as he could from me.

"No you have to protect me from him," Austin looked confused as why I would need protection.

He must have though Jac was really going to hurt me he sadly said, "I'm sorry, I know your going to kill me, Jac, but can I ask why you want to hurt your mate?"

Jac and I looked at each other before falling to the ground in a fit of laughter.

When we finally settled down, Austin was extremely confused.

"I don't get it?"

I laughed once more before telling him what happened, "see we were just playing around. Jac threw me in the lake, so I snuck behind him and pushed him in too. when he got out he was extremely pissed, so I ran for my life. Then he started getting closer to me, and that's when I screamed for help. You came to save me from this savage beast," I explained pointing to my mate, "make sense now?"

"Ya I guess, we'll I'm out of here," Austin announced before running to the pack house.

I was confused on why he would hair take off like that, then I saw it.

Jac was madly shaking. I remember that the touch of a mate can settle each other down. I quickly went over to him and gave him a hug

After a minute, the shaking stopped and he pulled back.

"Why did you call me a savage beast."

"I was just kidding... look, I didn't mean it your still my teddy bear."

He just laughed, "I love you my cuddle bug."

I immediately stopped laughing. he said he loved me. I searched his eyes to see if he could be lying.

All I saw was love.

"I love you too, teddy bear," my eyes teared up.

He actually said he loved me. My mate wanted me.

My wolf, Addison, was purring like crazy.

'We'll I should be. he said he loves us!' she squealed. We went back to the pack house to change out of our wet, lake clothes, then went to the ball. We we're congratulated by many people and I introduced some of my friends to Jac. We had so much fun showing off our dancing moves. I didn't know my mate could dance like that and he was equally surprised.

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