Chapter 37

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Melanie's POV(Melanie's hair^^^)

I was sitting in a field of flowers, listening to the sounds if nature.

It was beautiful. The birds were singing and squirrels were climbing up the tall, majestic pine trees.

The bees buzzed all around me, going to flower to flower.

There were roses, lilac trees, daisies, and much, much more.

I closed my eyes, listening and smelling my surroundings.

Then the rusty smell of blood came to me and I quickly opened my eyes looking for danger.

I was in what looked like a maze (A/N: kinda like what it looks like in the movie, the maze runner) and I was in the middle of it.

I sniffed the air and followed the scent. It led me to an old warehouse that looked like it had been there for 1000 years.

It was dead silent before I heard the screams.

Screams of bloody murder.

Screams of death.

I ran full speed into the warehouse and was shocked at the scene.

My pack and many others were fighting the cold ones, vampires.

When I tried to knee one of them in the rib, my leg went right through him. Then he walked forward, right through me and headed over to one of my pack members.

I looked down and saw I was transparent.

Am I a ghost?

A voice ran through my head, "of course your not a ghost, this is the future war that is to come very soon," the moon goddess chuckled.

How can she laugh in a time like this?

I screamed in pain and my wolf was whimpering.

Scanning the area I saw what had caused the pain, Jaxon, lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

My heart broke the second I saw him and I curled in a ball to the far corner of the warehouse.

I cried and cried and the pain only got worse as the mate bond dissolved.

"It hurts, help me, please help me," I screamed.

I kind of wished the moon goddess would walk right in and save everyone, but she never came.

I sat in the corner whimpering in pain and holding my chest, deciding if I should or shouldn't rip my heart out.

It felt like hours, while I laid there as the fight slowed down and the vampires surrendered.

I watched as my future self got up, with red puffy eyes and a broken heart and went around killing as many as the dang f*ckers as she could.

Once every single vampire was dead she fell to her knees and let out a sorrow filled scream, showing how much pain she was in and lightning shot all around her body.

All the werewolves bowed down to her and my future self's eyes turned red with pure hate as she shifted into her silver wolf.

Wait... silver? That's not right, Angel is white.

She stormed out of the retched place, the survivors silently following her showing respect for their fallen alpha.

What am I suppose to do now?

Just as I thought this, it felt as if I was in the middle of a tornado.

Once the wind slowed, I saw myself lying on a hospital bed.

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