Counting sheep

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Melanie's POV

"Finally that class is over," I was of course talking about social studies. Man was Ms.Dolline boring... I practically fell asleep every time she would open her mouth and start talking. I was starting to wonder how she had even become a teacher because either she has memory loss or is really stupid. I only say this because she kept messing up the dates when events had happened. Even I, who had never gone to school knew most of them.

Next class, science. Uh oh, this should be fun. I only say this because of a time I might have mixed a few chemicals to get out blood stains in a carpet. That was right after my third beating.

When I arrive at the class Jaxon is there and were talking because the teacher isn't there yet.

The science teacher walked in and started pairing us up with partners. Of course I was with my mate. then she started explaining that we would start off with something simple, like making slime. When she was done Jaxon and I got our lab set up and got to work. apparently I had put the wrong ingredient in, even though I was positive I grabbed the right one, but the slimy stuff gargled and popped until it exploded onto nearly everyone in the class. I had to bite my tongue and the sides of my cheeks from keep from laughing.

Of course I got in trouble but since I was new to school, and my mate was the alpha and he could do anything he wants I didn't get sent to the principles office. it was mostly the part with my mate being the alpha thing that I got let off easy.

By the end if the class everyone was pissed at me and I was ready to pass out from being so tired. Jaxon held my hand and growled at anyone who gave us a pissed look, as we walked out the doors.

"Remind me to never bring you to science ever again," Jaxon groaned.

"We'll I had fun"

"Ya we'll you weren't the one who got covered in slime now were you?" He looked at me.

"It's not my fault the teacher gave me the wrong thing. And just to be fair, some of them could have used a makeover," I scolded and tried to hide my smile. He just laughed at me. I started to feel really tired again.

"Jaxon I don't feel good. I'm really tired. can you carry me?"

" You don't have to ask twice," and he lifted me up bridal style. I snuggled into his chest and quickly fell asleep.

(Dream) Ahhhhhh!!!!" I screamed. the burning in my heart was starting again. That means Jaxon was doing with another girl. I was devastated and angry. 'Do you want to go for a run, angel?" I asked my wolf. ' ya I we could use a run." she was so upset and so was I, it felt like my heart was breaking.

I went over to the door and was about to open it before I felt to little arms go around my legs.

"Mommy where are you going?" my dear amber asked.

"Mommys just going for a walk sweetie I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Mom?" Amber asked nervously . I was curious about why she would be so nervous.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Does daddy love me? he never talks to me anymore and is always hiding in his room."

I looked at her sadly and replied," of course he loves you he just has some problems he needs to work through."

ya and he'll have one more problem coming at him if he doesn't get his shit together, and he better do it fast. I seriously don't care if he's my mate or not, I swear to god if he does one more thing to upset my daughter I will torture and kill him.

Nobody messes with my baby, no one.

When she didn't replied I added," Amber daddy loves you so much and so do I."

" I love you more than you love me," she smiled.

" I don't know if that's possible sweetie," I laughed. I love her with all my heart. She truly will never know how much I love her.

"No I love you more and I can prove it," she said seriously.

"Oh ya, how?" I asked, smiling.

"Stay right here and don't move, okay?" she asked me and waited for my response. I said okay and she ran to her room and I heard her shuffling around looking for something. Then I heard her door close and her walked back over to me.

"Keep your eyes closed and no peeking."

"Got it"

She came over to me and grabbed my wrist. I felt her out something around it before adjusting whatever it was, then backing up and saying," okay you can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes and looked down at my hand. "Oh my god this is so beautiful" I exclaimed while still looking at the gorgeous bracelate. It was silver and had-. (End of dream)

I opened my eyes and gasped from the dream that I just had, where had that dream come from? I looked at a worried Jaxon.

"I'm sorry I woke you up I saw you crying but I didn't want to wake you but then you looked really angry and I couldn't help it." he explained.

"It's okay I would probably have to wake for... wait what class is next?"

He laughed, "lunch."

"Oh," I blushed, oops I guess I should have looked over at the schedule more.

"Aww your cute when you blush," he teased. I looked at him with an angry expression. He just looked away and coughed nervously.

"We'll you should probably put me down I've had enough glares all day, I don't need the whole school to look at me when we go to lunch." he just laughed at that and out me down before grabbing my hand and heading off to which I guessed would be the cafeteria.

Jaxon and I were laughing and talking until we got to the lunch room. Everyone got really quiet and looked between me and our hands together. I couldn't help but breathlessly let out, "whoa."

Jaxon had noticed my nervousness and growled loudly at them. They all looked away, scared to death. Then the room got really, really loud and nearly knocked me out from the sound. I saw my mate flinch too. I hurried to where I would get my food and started staking up my plate. I was reaching in my purse to pay for lunch, but Jaxon beat me and payed for both of us.

"You didn't have to pay for that but thank you and I'll give you the money for it later.

He growled, "I'm your mate I'm suppose to try to please you and I won't take your money so don't even try to pay me back."

"Okay," I said weakly. "could we eat somewhere else I'm getting a headache from all the sound in this room." I held my head in pain.

"There's benches outside if you want to eat out there?" he asked.

"Sure that would be nice."

So we took out trays and walked outside to the benches. As we ate our food, we started talking about our favorite things. I don't know how but soon we started talking about what we want in our future and our dreams. Jaxon was halfway through his story when we heard the school bell go off signaling that our next class would be starting soon. We took our trays and walked back into the school and to our next class.

My first day of school went pretty well besides all the glares. I couldn't wait to get home and read. Reading is a great passion of mine. I didn't know what I would do without book, probably just die. Then I remembered who I would see when I got home... My dad.

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