Did that just happen?!?!

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Jaxons emotions that were in his eyes scared me but had my wolf jumping with joy. His eyes looked at me with curiosity, anger, and love?

He just stood there for a couple of seconds just staring at me. I was starting to get really worried.

It had to be a lie he can't or never would look at me like that.

He started walking towards me but when I started moving away, he looked hurt. And for some reason that made me want to hug that gorgeous body of his and those lips were so soft, NO stop thinking like that, remember all the times he hurt you.

He is going to reject me, I just know it. And I mean they all say I'm ugly and fat.

I even started to be so disgusted at myself that I avoided mirrors.

I know I'm not any of that. I have beautiful dark, dark brown hair some people mistake it more black though. I have big brown eyes and tanned skin. my hair grows all the time but since everyone kept pulling it, I keep my hair just below my shoulders. and when they call me fat, I know their just trying to tease me because ever since they started starving me, I got really skinny.

My best friend and soul sister always told me not to listen to them. She was my sister for sure, we told each other everything and never fight unless we were joking around.

We have so much fun together but we haven't been able to see each other that much because while she's at school I'm at the pack house cleaning and making dinner for 674 people!

She can't sleep over because of what I think my dad might do to me if he found out I had a friend. I text her as much as I can, but back to the stalker in the creepy room.

He was only a few feet away from me.

I keep wondering what he is going to do first, reject me or hit me? When he got really close he started to slowly get closer to me.

He was now inches away almost touching. I was too scared to move.

With me being 'human' and him going to be alpha, me being his mate is impossible. What he does next surprises me. You know what he did, he kissed me.

This kiss was soft and loving. I felt sparks all over my body. he put his hands on back pulling me in closer. the only thing I could think about is that this has to be a trick, or maybe a dream.

The kiss gets heated and he carries me to the bed.

I feel his teeth graze my skin as he taunts me.

Forgetting about everything, all my worries disappear and I can only focus on what's happening right now, right here.

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