The Unexpected.

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Melanie's POV

"Shut the front door! Tell me everything. What did he say? Come on tell me already," I hurried wanting to know all the details.

"Calm down sis. Anyway, he took me to this really fancy restaurant and I got super nervous about telling him. After telling him that I was pregnant, he made a big scene about being a father before he got down on one knee. Then he said some really loving words and asked me and there you have it, I'm engaged!" My sister squealed.

"We have to celebrate somehow!" I was really happy for my sister.

"Shopping!" She screamed through the phone.

I was afraid she was going to say that. Even though I HATE shopping, it didn't matter. All that mattered was making my sister happy.

"Okay I'll come pick you up in ten minutes."

"Alright!" She screamed.

I really hope she stops screaming soon because I might have to rip my ears off soon...

I hung up the phone and glanced at my closet.

Walking in, I decided on a black crop top, leggings, my combat boots, and finally my teal beanie that said: #selfie.

After grabbing my undergarments, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

I tried to shower as fast as I could because I take VERY long showers. Luck was on my side, for once, I took a 5 minute shower.

Quickly, I changed, brushed my hair, and put deodorant on.

I really didn't feel like putting makeup on, and I have 2 minutes to be at Bailey's house.

I grabbed my teal mini purse holding my wallet and phone, before rushing out the door, down the stairs, and into the black Lamborghini Bugatti.

Putting the keys into the ignition, I pulled out of the driveway.

Two miles ahead, where Anthony lives, I parked in the driveway to wait for my engaged sister.

I was playing the game Five Nights At Freddy's 2, when I heard the front door open.

Bailey came out with a smirk on her face. She took one step out onto the porch when she was grabbed my the arm and pulled back into the house. I blushed when I saw that Anthony had pulled her back to give her a goodbye kiss.

When Anthony finally let her go, she skipped to my car with a happy smile on her face.

If she wasn't my sister I would probably be filled with jealousy and be envy of her. She had a healthy child with her mate that had already asked her to get married.

While my children died from my jerk of a father and I had known my mate longer than Bailey had, and have I ever heard anything about a marriage? No didn't think so.

"Show me what the ring looks like!"

"Ok, ok gosh," she held out her hand to show me the ring on her left hand.

It was a silver band with one large diamond surrounded by four smaller diamonds (pic in beginning of chap.)

"Whoa, it's beautiful, Bailey," I gushed.

"I know," she said in a high voice.

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

"Hell yeah," she had a childish grin on her face. Like when a kid got a big bag of candy.

When we arrived at the mall, the memory of Alyssa being kidnapped flashed through my mind. I shuttered at the thought of losing her.

I parked and Bailey shot out of the car, running towards the mall faster than a turkey on thanksgiving.

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