Sorta Cinderella...

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"Because you know I'm all about the bass, bout the bass no treble.

I'm all about the bass, bout the bass no treble.

Ya it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two, but I can shake it shake it like I'm suppose to do

I got that boom boom that all the boys chase, and all the right junk in all the right places.

We see those magazines, working that photo shop, we know that shit ain't real come on now make it stop

If you got beauty, beauty, then raise em' up cause every inch of you if perfect from the bottom to the top.

Ya my mamma she told me don't worry about your size, she says boys like like a little more booty to hold at night.

No I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll, so if that's what your into then go 'head and move along.

Because you know I'm all about the bass bout the bass no treble, Im all about the bass, bout the bass no treble, I'm all about the bass bout the bass no treble.

I'm bringin booty back, go 'head and tell them skinny b*tches that.

No I'm just playing, I know you think your fat.

But I'm hear to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top. "

I was in a car with Jaxon, Lily, and a couple of Lily's friends, and when 'all about the bass' came
on we started to sing all the lyrics. I knew the whole song by heart because that was my favorite song for a long time.

"Because you know I'm all about the bass, bout the bass no trouble, I'm all about the bass, bout the bass no treble, I'm all about the bass, bout th-"

"Hey we were listening to that!" I yelled at Jaxon who had turned off the radio.

"Ya ya we get your all about the bass, so what?"

"So what? Did you just criticize one of my favorite songs?"

"Ya I think I did."

"Why I otta," I announced taking my seatbelt off and got ready to pounce on him, I was in the passenger seat and he was in the back on the far left by the window.

His eyes widened when he saw me, but then he put a smirk on his face.

"Enjoy that smirk because I'm about to knock it off your face."

When I lunged for him, he grabbed me by the waist holding me in the air. At first I was scared but then I put on my game face and asked, "how long were you planning on keeping me here?"

"We'll I plan on keeping you forever, but like this, I'm not sure yet."

"You know, you can't kiss me from up here."

"Fine you win," and he pulled me in about to give me a kiss before I pushed his mouth away and jumped back into the front seat, earning myself an angry and frustrated growl.

I glanced a look at him, he looked so pissed!!! Ha ha that's what you get for turning off a lady's favorite song!!!

He still wasn't talking," what cat get your tongue."

He put that smirk back into his face revealing his little dimple, he looked so cute! I smiled back at him.

"Don't worry, I'll get my revenge on you later and after that stunt you pulled, I wouldn't be smiling if I were you."

I laughed at this, "aw you keep acting tough Jaxy poo, everyone in this car is smart enough to know your just a little boy with lots of temper tantrums," I said in my best baby voice.

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