What the heck!!!!!!

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"RING...RING...RING..."the alarm clock went off. I groaned and tried to get out of Jaxon's arms. When he wouldn't move. I gently kissed him on the nose and he complained "I don't want to get up"

"Too bad we have to get ready for school or else I'll be late for my first day."

"So, can't we lay here for five more minutes" he groaned.

"You can lay here and be late but let me go so I can get ready." I was trying to get out of his grip but he tightened his grip on me more and said" I will NOT let you go."

I kept poking his cheek so he finally said "fine I guess we can go to school."

"Thank you, that took long enough." I got up before he could reply and wrapped myself in the blanket. looking around I realized I had no clothes to wear. "Hey Jaxon I don't have anythi-"

"Your clothes are in the closet." So I went to the closet and opened it up. when I saw what the closet held I gasped, Jaxon was behind me holding me protectively and asking "what's wrong?"

I couldn't talk so I pointed to all the racks of shoes,shirts,pants,socks, undergarments, and a box of hair bands. " I've been waiting for my mate and I went crazy not finding her but I went out and bought a wardrobe for when I met her." he blushed.

"Awwww your so cute when you blush." I laughed at him. When he heard me announce that, he looked really embarrassed and said "we'll you should go pick something out so your not 'late' for your first day of school."

I looked back into the closet and walked into it. This closet was three times as big as my room, well I guess my old room.

I picked out a black tank top with a rainbow peace sign on it. then I went over to the shorts and grabbed a black pair of them, then put on some pink flip flops. When Once I got my undergarments, I got dressed in the closet and walked out to see Jaxon lying on his back on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

I asked him"watcha thinking about?"

He looked surprised like he didn't know I was there but calmed when he saw me. "baby can you put something else on I don't want to fight the other guys when they stare at that gorgeous body."

"No I like what I'm wearing. And by the way I think you'll make it pretty clear that I'm 'yours', isn't that right?"

"Yes, yes I will." he still hasn't looked at my face, I decided not to bother him anymore and walked to the bathroom to brush my hair.

When I saw my reflection in the mirror I almost screamed at what I saw, I'm surprised Jaxon hadn't noticed it.

my hair was long and beautiful still the same color but it had streaks of purple and blond throughout it. my skin was flawless and had no marks on it. All the bruises I had from being hit by my father and bullies had completely disappeared. My lips were full and naturally colored dark pink almost red. My eyelashes were long and my eyes had turned from brown to an ice blue.

I yelled at the top of my lungs forgetting where I was and who heard," what the hell is going on here!?!" after I yelled that I put my hands on my mouth.

Oops, I could already here Jaxon running to the bathroom and practically ripping the door off its frame. Oh you should've seen his face when he saw me.

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