Love you too daddy

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I just got off of school and was on my way to my dad's house. I was riding with Jaxon. He insisted so I told him he could drop me off but he couldn't come in. I didn't want my mate to meet my dad, they would probably get in a fight and I didn't want that to happen to either of them.

"Melanie were here." Jaxon said as I looked. Hmmm that was weird, how does he know where I live?

"How do you know where I live?"

"Oh baby, I'm going to be the alpha and you think I wouldn't know where someone in the pack's boundary would live, and I'm your mate and of course had to find out where you live." He looked away from me and glanced a look at me. When he did, I saw he was nervous. I just laughed at him and he blushed a little bit before growling.

"You should go inside and get your stuff because your staying with me at the pack house," he ordered me.

I sighed, "it's not like I have a choice, right?"

"Nope, you have to pack your stuff, honey."He smiled at me. I rushed out before I got him even more worked up. I hesitated before grabbing the handle and opening the door. I walked in and closed the door. Just as the door closed I was pushed against it and hit in the stomach. I couldn't breathe. I was being punched several times. I'm sure I will have bruises when we he was done. I felt the beatings slow down before one more hard hot in the jaw. I was almost ripping my tongue off from biting it so hard, I could taste the blood in my mouth. I barely had enough strength to look up at the angry green eyes of my father.

He looked evilly at me," I hate you, I wish you were never born, you should have been a boy."

I will not cry, I will not cry, I will NOT cry!!! I mentally screamed to myself. I couldn't help it. My own father hated me, and just because of something I couldn't change. I knew he always wanted a boy, but instead he was 'cursed' with me, a girl. I knew I had tears streaming down.

I tried moving past him to get to my room so I could leave this hell hole. I was limping to my room. I knew for sure he had broke my ankle. I was halfway up the stairs before I heard him laugh, "you think you can get away that easy, no way."

He grabbed my hair and I couldn't help it anymore. I screamed at the top of my lungs and he shoved me down the stairs. When I rolled to the bottom, I hit my head on the floor. I couldn't move and all I heard was the door open and I assumed it was Jaxon coming in. I don't want either of then to get hurt.

"Stop," my voice was barely a whisper and that was the last thing I said before closing my eyes and darkness consumed me.

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