Two sides one person

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Melanie's POV

Last night after working all day with Jaxon in his office, after I went to sleep something weird happened.

It happened before Jaxon came into the room. I was in a deep sleep when my throat went dry and felt like it was on fire. I thought it had something to do with my mate.

But what could it have been?

It was currently 9:00 in the morning. I new I had things to do but I was so comfy wrapped up in the blankets and the warmth from Jaxon and I didn't want to get up.

All of a sudden my throat went dry again and I knew the burning would start again.

But this time is wasn't just my throat burning up, it was almost as if I was going to barf.

Just to be sure, I tried to get out of Jaxons arms but he wouldn't budge.

Trying to speak my voice came out very scratchy, "let me go Jaxon!"

He quickly jumped up and let me go. Ignoring his presence, I ran to the bathroom. I got there just in time.

What the heck?!? Why was this happening.

I felt better after getting that out if my system, but still a little shaken.

I flushed the toilet before sitting on the floor of the bathroom, exhausted.

Jaxon came in with a worried expression.

"are you okay?"

"Um ya, actually no I'm not okay, I feel terrible and I'm burning up. What is happening to me?" I cried.

All of a sudden his facial expression changed to one of anger and hate.

"Jaxon, what's wrong? What- what are you doing?"

"Don't worry sweetheart, please come with me,"he said in a mocking voice. He was really scaring me, he was nice and caring one second then all of a sudden, it's like he was a different person, and his voice changed a little bit.

He grabbed my arm a little to hard. I was about to scream but it was like he read my mind and covered my mouth.

"I wouldn't do that of I were you, just follow me and nobody will get hurt."

"Who are you!?!" I tried screaming out but his hand muffled my words.

Apparently he understood me, "why I'm your mate of course."

Then he slammed me into the nearest wall, making me feel like someone dug a knife in my back, all I could do was whimper in pain.

'Isn't that right, darling."

Scared of him further hurting me I nodded my head as quick as I could.

"Okay I'm going to let go of you, you will come with me and act as my mate, if you don't I will kill someone that means the world to you. I was thinking of starting with your best friend Alyssa. If you don't want me to hurt her you will do as I say, got it?"

I nodded my head again and he removed him hand. Relieved to be able to breathe again, I took several big breaths.

"Hurry up."

He grabbed my hand, as right as he was holding my arm earlier, causing me to bite my lip.

We walked out of the room and he led me to the front door, but we were stopped by my beta, Anthony.

"Where are you going, " he asked?

"Just out for the weekend, were taking a vacation, your in charge of keeping everything together."

"Yes sir," Anthony looked confused and glanced and me before speaking through the pack link, 'is everything okay, Luna?'

'No Anthony listen to me, when Jaxon gets back, make sure it's him before telling him that I have been kidnapped by a stranger, I think he's a witch but he seems different, just promise to make sure it's him, I have to go, protect the pack,' I hurried to tell him as much as I can, because I was being dragged out the door.

"Come on darling, we don't want to be late for our vacation, now do we?" He gripped my hand harder, causing me to bite my lip more than I already was, drawing blood.

"No we don't," I tried to say, still biting my lip, as he gave me a glare.

"Get in the car," he ordered throwing me in the passenger seat.

When he got in he immediately took off down the road.

"Put your seatbelt on," he again ordered.

I turned to put my seatbelt on, when suddenly the man rammed my head into the window.

The last thing I saw was blood on the window, my blood. Then my eyes closed on their own accord and I fell into darkness.

I moved quickly only to feel pain ,and gasped for air.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my hands and legs were wrapped with silver chains and I was hanging from a wall.

I still haven't lifted my head, I was to afraid that if I looked up, I would hurt even more.

I heard a large door open and close before a bright light blinded me for a couple seconds before my eyes adjusted.

"Ahh. I see your finally awake, it took you long enough."

I heard the footsteps coming towards me.

'Angel what's going on?'

'I don't know Melanie, I have to go, only if absolutely necessary, ask me for help, goodbye. love you.'

'No wait!' I was to late, she blocked me out.

I was all alone.

"Ahh!!!" I screamed out in pain.

The man had a silver knife and had dug it deep into my stomach and scraped my insides.

Then I almost blacked out again from the amount of pain that was shooting through me.

He had gave me many cuts and bruises before carefully making sure I was covered in wolfs vane in all my injuries.

I screamed out in pain again.

"Shut up!" the man yelled before taking the toxic plant and stuffing it into my mouth. This caused me to spit it out, but not before it melted my mouth and caused blood to flow out of me.

"I'll be back later for round two, and I can promise that you won't be the only one feeling what I'm going to do to you," he laughed evilly before walking out.

I laid there, not able to move, chained against a wall, in excruciating pain.

What did I do to deserve this? Who will he hurt next? Will someone come to my rescue, or will these people kill me? What did the evil man mean by round two? All these questions ran through my head as I stood still, trying to allow my injuries to heal. With the wolfs vane, they will take longer.

The tears were falling from my eyes like an endless stream. I eventually cried myself to sleep hoping that when I wake up, I will either be dead or back in my room wrapped in the arms of my real mate and as far away as possible from this hell hole.

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