Stinken flashback!

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Jaxon's POV (I know, shocking!)

Everything was black.

Darker then the darkest of darks.

I couldn't see a thing.

Am I dead?

"Of course you aren't dead, silly."

I wish I knew where that voice is coming from...

"Who are you?"

"Listen, you need to wake up, your mate has some good news and you need to go to her, now," she commanded.

Whoa, her command was WAY stronger than any alpha voice I ever heard.

She ignored my question, how rude!!!

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"That's not important, child, you just need to wake up."

She called me a child!

I am not a child! I'm an alpha of a very respected pack!

"Goodbye now."

I was about to say something cocky back to her, but everything fell silent once again.

Okay then.

Now all I have to do is figure out HOW I get out of here.

Melanie, I'm coming... or at least trying.

Alyssa's POV

I sniffed the air again.

I was right: rouges.

What do they want?

Right now I am playing with a bunch of the kids from the pack.

"Everyone inside now!" I used my luna tone to warn everybody how serious I was.

I heard many responses while mothers and fathers were taking their pups to safety.

Jac is at a meeting right now, so it's up to me to protect our pack.

"Luna, what's going on?" Evelyn, a 5 year old girl asked me.

I didn't want to scare her, "everything's alright Evelyn, go find your mom and go play downstairs."

Her eyes lit up when I mentioned playing, "can you play with me, please...?"

I laughed before commanding, "okay all mothers and children downstairs. I want all the fighters to stay up here and keep any harm away from them."

Many people nodded their heads while others responded with "okay," or, "yes luna."

I begged and begged Jac to let me take training lessons.

I believe I'm a very good fighter now, and didn't want to hide away with the other so I stayed upstairs with the rest of the fighters.

There is a new fighter named Stefan who was giving me a confused look, "luna, aren't you going downstairs with the rest of the pack?" he asked me.

"No I don't want to hide when I could be saving my people by fighting of the rouges."


Oh yeah, I forgot to tell them why we were doing this.

"Yes, when I was outside I had caught their strong scent not far from here. But anyway I am going to open the door and you are all going to follow me while we check the boarded for the intruders," I said looking at each of the brave fighters.

Everyone nodded so I proceeded towards the front door.

I put my hand on the knob and turned.

When the door had opened, I was knocked out by an unknown force and the bitter smell of rouges.

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