Oh sh*t

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I was just getting out of the shower and I dried off and wrapped myself in a towel and went to pick out some clothes. I chose back leggings and a blue crop top that now matches my eyes. Then I paired it with black knee high boots that had a but of a heel, but not much, which I grateful for because I still hate heels. I went back into the bathroom and started brushing my hair when I heard the door open slowly.
I looked out of the bathroom to see Jaxon staring at the floor. It looked like he was upset and in deep thought.
So I walked over to him, and asked, " what's wrong, is it something your dad said," I remembered him going to talk to his dad before I took a shower.
He continued to stare at the floor. I was becoming very frustrated. I'm his mate he's suppose to tell me everything, so yes I was frustrated and upset.
What happened that made him look like this? I scoffed and turned around to go finish brushing my hair, when I heard him, "Melanie, wait, we need to talk."
I looked back at him and grabbed his hand before dragging him to the bed where I sat down with him next to me.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Uh, um. We'll be having a ceremony to announce the new alpha and luna tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I didn't know it would happen so soon." he stuttered.
I couldn't move, or think, or really do anything. I went from being the slave and being abused to Luna. I was scared confused, angry, sad and many more feelings were rising above me.
And the whole pack will know I'm a wolf when I become Luna!
I could really use a run right now, my wolf had been cooped up for so long. And we could both use it.
"Um, I'm going to go for a walk around the perimeter, okay?" I could feel the worry coming from Jaxon.
"Could I come to keep you safe." he asked with a pleading voice.
I was walking out the door before telling him that I just needed to think about some stuff, alone. He seemed skeptical at first, but he finally let me go. I thanked him before leaving.
I felt so relieved once I was out of the house. I ran to the edge of the woods before slowing down to make sure no one was around before walking further into the woods.
I pulled off my clothes and tied them to my leg before shifting. It was a bit painful because I hadn't shifted much and waited so long.
Angel was exited to be out and wanted to run.
'Can we go now?' she whined.
'Yes and stop whining.' I ordered.
'Yes mother.' she replied before taking off further into the woods. eventually we ended up in a beautiful clearing. There were varieties off different types of flower and a couple of beautiful trees that looked awesome to climb.
'Can we take a break we've been running for a while now.'
So I walked over to one of the trees and and layer under it.
I was closing my eyes in peace before I heard it.
I heard a stick snap, I was like, oh shit, I don't want anyone to find out right now. I tried to hide behind a tree, but I could feel eyes watching me. I shifted back into my human form and got dressed. I heard someone coming closer. I looked from behind the tree, it was...

(So how do you guys like the book so far? I was thinking of changing the cover, any ideas?)

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