The rumors are true.

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I didnt tell you guys this but this POV will be Melanie's best friend and soul sister.

Alyssa's POV

I had a strange feeling and my wolf had been acting very weird lately. Whenever I try to talk to her, she shuts me out. It's so weird, and I'm worried about what might happen.

I miss Melanie so much we use to be so close. With one look we could read each others mind.

I had 2 older blood relative sisters, but they seem to hate me. My oldest sister, Crystal is such a slut she always wears shorty shorts and low shirts. Jennifer is younger that Crystal and is always trying to make fun of me. They really do hate me.

Melanie was a month older than me and I'm really angry and sad that I didn't have enough time to say happy birthday. what kind of friend am I? Probably not a good one, but after school today I'm planning to go see her and give her the present I bought her.

I've been hearing a lot of rumors that the soon to-be alpha Jaxon Lee (aka: school man whore) has found his mate and will become alpha. I don't know if that's true or not because people make stuff up all the time in high school.

There is ten minutes left before I have to leave to go to school so I take a 5 minute shower. when I get out, I dress in a short sleeve blue shirt with a CAMO peace signs on it, the blue matches my eyes, black leggings, and my black combat boots on.

Melanie loves peace signs and that shirt reminds me so much of her. when I'm done getting dressed I pick up my brush and start at my naturally curly dirty blonde hair.

When I'm done I grab my purple back pack and rush out the door. I check the time on my phone.

Yes! Perfect timing, I'll arrive at school right on time and still have time to spare to get ready for my first class.

Within minutes I've pulled into the school drive war and parked before walking into school.

Hmmmm... I know that smell it smells like... Melanie!!! I look around for my best friend frantically and see her walk through the doors with, wait is that...?

No. Way.

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