Chapter 38 He ❤️me... He ❤️me not...

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Is this story starting to get to long? I think I'm going to try to start wrapping it up soon. Thanks for all the support, guys and girls. I hadn't really expected to get so many people to read, vote, and comment. Thanks again!!!

Melanie's POV

"Bailey I don't know what to tell you. All I know is that he is your mate and you can trust him," I tried convincing her.

"I know, but I can't help but feel that he will leave me now," she said sadly, fiddling with her fingers.

"Listen, when I told Jaxon, he was super happy, and I know for sure Anthony will be the same. You need to understand that he has been waiting for his mate, ever since he knew he was a werewolf."

All she did was nod and look at everything but me.

"But-but what i-if he doesn't want me now?" She muttered.

"We'll you can't keep this from him forever, and I'm sure he would love a baby, but I'm still mad that I couldn't of had the talk with you before you did anything," I scolded her.

"I'm sorry, alright, I guess I was just caught up in the moment, gosh," she folded her arms over her chest.

I chucked inside, remembering the way my wolf took over when Jaxon first kissed me.

"We'll I think you should still tell him, soon he will find out anyway."

"Okay, tonight he was going to take me out to dinner, I guess I'll try to tell him then. Thank you Melanie," she hugged me.

"Anytime, now go, I'm tired," I said pointing towards the door.

"Yes mother."

She just rolled her eyes while I gave her a look that said; don't mess with me.

After seeing that I was serious she scurried out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Walking over to the closet, I grabbed a blanket out then went to tuck Jaxon in on the couch.

I stood in the living room, admiring my mate as he slept.

I admit, it was kind of creepy of me, but I couldn't help it. He just looked so peaceful.

After a minute of standing, I checked the clock. It read, 4:37.

I was exhausted, but didn't really feel like waking up Jaxon to come to the room. But I really didn't want to try to fit in the couch with him.

Oh well. I made my way to our room and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


Bailey's POV

Is this ok?

Oh, what am I saying. I can't do this.

I threw the pink dress back in my closet before falling backwards on the bed.

Taking my head out if my hands I checked the time, only to find I had a half an hour to get ready for my date with Anthony.

I promised Melanie I would tell him tonight but what if he doesn't want a baby and rejects me?

If he rejects me I don't know how I would survive.

I took several deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

Looking back into my closet, I saw a dark red sleeveless dress that would stop just below my knees.

I got up off the bed and slipped the dress on.

I was right, it fell just below my knees.

I think this should do.

Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed the brush and started at my dark brown hair.

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