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I know the chapters are short I'm trying to make them longer and sorry for the spelling mistakes.

Melanie's POV

Jaxon is so supporting I thought he would be angry and yell at me. I'm surprised he hasn't found out I'm a werewolf yet. I have a feeling that he will find out very soon.

We walk to the garage and he opens the passenger door for me until going to the other side and getting in. the drive to school was quiet besides the music on the radio playing.When 'Heartbreak Girl' came out I started singing all the lyrics. Jaxon took his eyes off the road to look at me. " So I'm guessing you like this song?"

"No shit Sherlock" I said with a cocky tone.

"I'll let you get away with this but only this time, next time I'm not so sure, mate." He said in a serious voice.

I giggled at him and realized we arrived at school. "I love your laugh." He smiles at me.

"Thanks" I muttered. I really wasn't use to compliments, especially from him. Before he could respond to me I opened the door and grabbed my red backpack. as I was walking towards the school I felt his arm go around my shoulders. I looked up at Jaxon to see him wearing these really sexy glasses. he looked at me and I blushed and looked away. he laughed at me," you like what you see?"

"Shut up, oh my god do you see everyone staring at us, we didn't even get inside and the stares started," I wined.

"You will be alright baby girl and not 'everyone' is staring, well maybe." he said while we walked through the doors to the high school. Hmmmm I think-.

"Melanie!!!" I looked at her.


She ran to me and gave me a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked then whispered "and what are you doing here with 'him'?"

"We'll he is sorta my mate and he already marked me and we mated so I guess I can stop the slave work and go to school." I quickly said.

"What!?!" she yelled." I did not understand a work you just said"

"I SAID he is my mate!" I told her slow and loud. Which I probably should have thought over because everyone stopped at looked at us. then I saw this one really skinny brunette girl running forward yelling "but baby your my mate!!!" her voice was so screechy I wanted to rip my ears off. I glared at her. "He is not your mate he is mine you bitchy whore!!!" I screamed and almost growled at her.

"Ya you will never, EVER be my mate Holly, you can go fuck some other dude!!!" Jaxon yelled pulling me behind him.


"No Holly you should just leave me and MY mate, Melanie, alone." Holy glared at me "you will pay for this bitch." the she walked passed us and he growled and I almost did the same, but remembered that he doesn't know I'm a werewolf so I just looked at her in disgust as she walked out of the school stomping her feet like a little kid who didn't get her way. It was quite amusing.

"Well that was fun" I said before heading to the office to sign in and get my schedule for my classes. the girl in the office was really kind to us when we walked in and told her what we needed. "okay dear your all set, have a nice day."

"You too thank you."

"Your welcome, bye now."

"Bye." I said as we walked out. I looked at the paper. I have my first four classes with Jaxon and 3 with Alyssa. my last class was English and I was by myself in that class. I headed off to my first class with Jaxon, social studies.

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