Chapter 1 ~ An Ideal Life

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~Part one - Play the Game ~

14th of April 1776

Y/N L/N, the daughter of an energetic, rebellious man, was far from her father's personality. She instead indulged in the simple things in life.

Whatever it be she always kept the same mindset. 'Fools play a game, I simply watch.' That was exactly what she did. Day and night she observed the simplicities of life. Whether she was gardening or simply looking out the window, she knew that observation was key. Being humble, but not cowardly and being content with life. This is how she lived her life in her small countryside cottage which she shared with her parents.

Both her parents were loveable people despite their contrasting personalities. Y/N's mother was more like her, they were both calm and observant. While her dad was a wild man, he was born in America and lived there for most of his childhood until he met Y/N's mother who was visiting America. They fell in love and moved back to Britain where they had Y/N, there only child.

Their love was true and simple and Y/N adored the simple romance. She didn't need extravagant gestures of love or attention, she wanted simple love, unlike her mother. In fact, her mother used to tell her stories of Prince's making grand gestures to win a young maiden's heart, in fact, her mother told these stories with such passion that, Y/N even thought this was what her mother really wanted but alas after telling her these tall tales her mother would always sigh and tell her that, with love, it doesn't matter how rich or poor a person was it was their heart.

Y/N knew this, everyone claimed to know this, yet most women would pick the wealthy man, even if his heart was cold. But Y/N accepted this fact, people were going to be people. She never really yearned for love ad much as she yearned for other people's happiness. And that is why Y/N believed in the cause her father most indefinitely supported.

America should be independent.

Despite being British herself, Y/N fully supported the idea of independence. So passionate about this idea, she and her father would rant at the dinner table about British oppression so much that her mother would have to physically break apart the conversation. She mainly did it for her daughter and husband. But deep down inside she didn't agree with them. As she was a fully patriotic Brit she couldn't see herself betraying her mother county. And although she hated the fact that her daughter supported the independence she knew she couldn't say anything. She loved her daughter and that was final.

Y/N was very passionate about independence but she knew she had to stay quiet as these ideals were not welcome in Britain. Instead, she slowly counted the days until the country she really felt apart was free. In fact when she had enough money she would make her way thereto. But for now, Y/N waited. She waited for her days, helping her parents plant crops and enjoy her simple life.

But little did Y/N know that her chance to help the cause of independence would come sooner or later.

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