Chapter 60 ~ Now There's More

391 12 8

15th of March 1782

~George's pov~

My eyes opened and I felt my back leaned against something. I turned my head around to see Y/N curled up and sleeping on a couch. I smiled softly and stood up sitting on the edge of the couch. Y/N was fast asleep, peacefully breathing. I smiled softly at Y/N and stroked her head. Her hair was soft and I could feel warmth radiating of off of her.

My cold breath shuddered and I shifted so I could lay down beside her. I hugged her tightly cherish the fact that she was here. I didn't care that she wasn't sleeping in my bed or even talking to me. Her being here in front of me and her being alive was all I needed. Because of Y/N, I had a family. People who I could love and who could love me. I knew it wasn't healthy but I needed Y/N. Not as a wife or a Queen but as herself.

No matter what happened I would love her until my very last breath. I just needed her to stay.

But yet the unsettling feeling that something was about to go south loomed over me, weighing me down. My mental state was never really great but now even when I have the person I love dearly, do I feel scared.

I held Y/N tighter, trying not to fall off the couch. I would do anything for her to stay, even if it meant harming others in the process.

~Ella's pov~

It had been several hours since we had arrived in Britain. The sun was already rising and soon we became more apparent. Samuel being paranoid decided we'd cut through a forest. And here we were in the middle of a forest half lost as we made our way to Windsor.

"So I think we're almost there." Samuel awkwardly smiled. I rolled my eyes and we continued through the forest. "Nervous?" Samuel spoke. I turned my head, glaring out at the trees. "Kind of, I mean George probably wants us dead." I chuckled nervously. Samuel scoffed slightly at halted the horse. I scanned my head around and looked to Samuel. "Looks like we'll have to stop here, taking the horse any further will hinder our trip," he explained. I nodded and he dismounted the horse by swinging his leg out.

I smiled and held William doing the same. I landed on my feet roughly and Samuel draped a muted dark green cape around me. "For camouflage," he whispered. I smiled and we began trekking the forest. "We should be in Windsor soon, just have to walk about a mile and we'll be there." he grinned. I smiled and pulled William closer.

"Mama, what are we doing?" Will look up at me. I smiled slightly and patted his caramel hair. "We're going to see Frederick." I nervously spoke. William smiled and latched onto my sleeve. "Yay, I can't wait to see Frederick!" he cheered. I looked at Samuel slightly, his face was also full of hesitation.

See the problem was that we weren't keen on bringing Frederick and Matilda with us. Last time Frederick was the reason why Y/N didn't escape, and this time we can't fail. Samuel smiled slightly and broke the silence, "Come one let's go." he picked up Will placing him on his shoulders. William giggled and I laughed holding onto Samuel's sleeve.

The forest was empty and yet it felt enchanted, I was with my family, on to find the last person who will complete it.

Y/N was going to be free, and everything would be great. I just had to not royally screw this up. I smiled and Samuel stopped.

"Were here." he turned to me and I looked out at the view of the town. "Were almost there Y/N."

~Y/N's pov~

I opened my eyes and felt arms wrapped around me. I immediately knew who it was and wriggled myself out, pulling my jacket off from underneath something. I looked and saw a familiar set of blue eyes. Horray, it was George.

George moved and he sat up as well sitting next to me. "Morning Y/N." he grinned and hugged me. My eyes awkwardly shifted and I pulled away from the hug. "Morning," I spoke monotonously, standing up. George chuckled softly and he stood up. "I was thinking we could do something fun today. As a family." George suggested.

I looked as his blue eyes which were full of anticipation. I looked at his slightly unkempt hair, "Sure, your majesty." I replied. George moved back towards me and hugged me again, "I love you so much." he muttered and patted my back. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back, turning him around. "We better go downstairs then." he grinned. I smiled back slightly and he pulled away, grabbing my hand.

George led me down the staircase while talking rapidly about different things. I nodded and let him chatter as we walked to the dining room. "I had a good sleep, Y/N did you?" George smiled. My eyes gave him a look for a second but I stayed silent. "Silent huh? You must be really hungry." he giggled. We then reached the hall and he opened the door. "Don't worry breakfast is ready." he smiled leading me inside.

I kept my blank face and he gestured me to sit down. "I've noticed you haven't been eating well lately so you should eat up," he explained. I sat down and he grinned sitting at the head of the table. I picked up the metal cutlery and began to eat the plate of food. I felt George's eye's watch me eat as he stayed still. I paused and looked at him. "You okay?" I questioned. George broke from his trance, "No just worried about you. You shouldn't starve yourself like that."

I looked at him and smiled, taking another bite. George grinned and began eating his own food. "Frederick and Matilda must be tired," he remarked. I nodded and he chuckled. "They're really sweet children Y/N, you taught them so well." he proudly stated. I gave him another small smile and we continued to eat.

"So about your wedding ring." he looked at my hand. I paused swallowing my mouthful. "I can explain-" I blurted out. George giggled in a regular obnoxious laugh. "It's ok Y/N, in fact, I got a new one for you." he grinned and grabbed a box from his pocket. "This time I hope you won't sell this to some pesky rebels." he opened the box and took out the ring. "Hand please." he gestured me. I reluctantly obliged and put my left hand out.

George's pale fingers slid the ring onto my finger and he smiled. "It looks nice doesn't this." he smiled. I nodded awkwardly and he held my hand looking into my eyes.

"Your Majesty." One of the courtiers called out. George looked at me and then let go of my hand. "Yes coming." he sat up and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I'll be back Y/N just stay here." I smiled back slightly and we walked to the courtier giving him a nasty look.

The courtier gulped and they walked away closing the door. I stared down at the new yet plain gold ring.

To me, the ring was just there for George to tell me one thing and one thing only.

'Your mine and mine only. Forever'

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