Chapter 61 ~ Conspiracy

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15th of March 1782

~Samuel's pov~

I peered around the corner and surveyed the surroundings. "Samuel, how is this going to disguise us?" I turned my head and saw Ella wearing a wig I stole. "I mean  you look different.." I nervously spoke. Ella folded her arms.

"Why do we even need to disguise ourselves? Can't we just snatch Y/N?" Ella glanced. I rolled my eyes, "Ella we can't just waltz into the palace and be like 'Hi George were just taking your wife!'" I rubbed my temple. Ella scoffed and adjusted her wig. "How about William, what are we going to do with him? " Ella questioned.

I looked at her and pulled something out of my pocket. "I have a  second cousin here, he can look after him," I explained. "What's his name?" Ella interrogated me. I smiled and unfurled the piece of paper. "Benjamin Howard. Or Ben." I smiled. Ella nodded and I picked up William. "Ok son were going to a friend of mine. You're going to stay with him okay?"

Will nodded and smiled, "Is Frederick there?" I looked at Ella awkwardly. "Maybe?" I stated. Will smiled and hugged me. "Frederick!" I smiled slightly and we started to walk.

"Where does this 'Ben' live anyway?" Ella questioned. I looked at the piece of paper. "Close to the palace, only a five-minute walk from his house," I explained. Ella smiled and we walked around. I looked around at the town of Windsor. Not much had changed in the years I was gone, it was the same as I had left it. I smiled again and we walked up to the door of Ben's house.

"Hello?" I knocked. Ella looked at me and we waited. Soon the sound of footsteps became apparent and the door opened. Ben was smiling, his blue eyes staring at us. "Samuel?" He smiled. I nodded and hugged him. "I thought you were still in America!" he cried out. I quickly shushed him. "Shh, were still wanted though." I hushed him.

Ben smiled awkwardly and gestured for us to come in. "My friend Oliver is here to." Ben smiled. I walked inside and gave him a look, "You still talk to him, thought you'd find better friends." I spoke. Ben flushed red and smiled awkwardly, "H-He's a really good..." he paused for a moment, "-friend.".

I patted his shoulder jokingly, "It's ok, I'm just grateful that you can look after Will." I smiled. Ben grinned and lead us into the kitchen. "Sit down." he grinned. Ella smiled back and we both sat down.

Ben grabbed a few teacups and sat them on the table. "So why do you guys need me to look after Will?" he smiled. I looked at Ella awkwardly and thought up an excuse. "A date." I sputtered out. Ben furrowed his brow and looked at me, "Windsor, for a date. Odd that you'd cross a whole ocean for a date." he questioned and sat down. "Well Ella and I just want to visit the place we first met, and you know catch up with you." I chuckled. Ben smiled, "Right you guys met, isn't it?" he smiled. I nodded knowing full well that he didn't know that Ella was Y/N's cousin. He also did know that we were wanted by George but not yhe full extent to it.

"I actually visited America a while back to get the King's wife Y/N." Ben smiled. Ella's eye's widened slightly and she awkwardly glanced away. Ben saw Ella's face, "Your co-worker sure got the King worried." he smiled.  Ella laughed nervously and turned to me. "It's great you guys are staying here, but for how long?" Ben asked. I smiled and scrambled for an answer. "Maybe a week or two, depends how busy we are," I explained.

Bem smiled and I looked at the clock. I saw the hands had almost reached the twelve. "Well Ben, Ella and I better get going. We'll be back soon, also make sure not to tell anyone else our actual names. Because were kind of wanted. " I exclaimed getting up from the table.

Ben smiled and walked up to me. "Ok then, I better let you go." he smiled and picked up William. "Hi Will my name's Ben, I'm your sort of Uncle." he laughed. William giggled and I looked to Ella, who had a face of determination. We both held each other's hands and we exited the kitchen, waving Ben goodbye and hugging William one last time.

Our plan was almost done, all we had to do was find Y/N. We walked towards the door and I stuck my hand out reaching for the handle.

"Excuse me?" A voice called out. My hand flinched and I turned to see Oliver's green eyes glaring at us. "Who are you two?" I gulped slightly. "Oliver's second cousin. Edward Evans and my wife Annalise." I smiled awkwardly. Oliver's glare deepened. "If you get me or Benjamin in trouble, don't think I'll go easy on you."

I looked at him in fear and nodded. Turning back around to open the door. I looked at Ella and smiled. I step foot on the uneven concrete and fixed my disguise.

Now we just have to get into that darned Castle.

~Y/N's pov~

I sat alone in the hall staring at my hands and the cursed ring upon my left hand. I sighed and waited. Silently dreading having to talk to George again. I looked at the rest of the hall and let my eyes wander around. Life was simple, as I would like to say. Over.

Not in the sense that I was dead but that the dreams I always had were now gone. I had no chance of being an artist in the American countryside. Instead, I was now a Queen Consort and a mother. Of course, it wasn't horrible being either if those things but the fact that I could be enjoying life, haunted me.

All I could do now was give George what he always wanted. My love. Of course, loving him was honestly impossible, but if I just pretended, maybe soon I'd feel something for him.

I mean I don't know how hard it is to love someone you hate. But it was worth a try. I looked down my plate of half-eaten food and took another bite. "Y/N!" George called out. I shifted slightly and George wrapped his arms around me like he normally did. "Sorry, love. Just had to take care of something downstairs." He explained. I nodded awkwardly and he sat down in his chair.

"So Y/N, I was thinking tonight, maybe we could sleep in our bedroom instead." He suggested. I smiled slightly and directed my gaze back to my plate. "You're very silent Y/N. Why aren't you talking to me?" He questioned? I looked at him and forced another smile, "Just tired-" I paused for a second and hesitated. "Love."

George looked at me excitedly and pulled face towards mine. My pupils slightly dilated, his lips crashing onto mine. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me. After what felt like decades he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. I glanced away and George giggled.

The King who had almost everything he wanted, now had the person he cared for most.

And I had the misfortune of being her.

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