Chapter 5 ~ Dangerous Game

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5th of May 1776

~Y/N's pov~

I woke up myself early. I knew that if I were to gain the King's trust I would need to be loyal. I hopped out of my warm bed and bent myself near Ella's bed. "Ella wake up, otherwise we'll be late." Ella's head sprang up and she miserably got out of bed. "Y/NNn??? Five more minutes pleaseeee." she groaned. I rolled my eyes and tapped the back of her head. She rolled her eyes and stretched out of bed. I chuckled slightly and started to move towards my dresser.

I looked around for Samuel and saw he was gone. I quickly got changed and turned to Ella who was now also changed. I looked at her and grinned. Her and I walked towards the door and we stood patiently. Except Ella who seemed to talk a lot about Samuel.

After a few minutes of aimlessly staring around the door opened. Benjamin, one of the guards lead us back to the throne room which we were in yesterday. As soon as we got there we sat down on two seats that were placed in front of an ornamental throne.

We both nervously sat down and waited for the King. I looking beside me at Ella, she like before was trembling. I was scared as well but I had to hide my fear. I smiled at her and she nervously smiled back. We waited a little longer and then the King arrived. He sat on his throne and stared down at us.

The placement of his throne was purely psychological. He was above us physically and socially and with his seat there he cemented that fact. "Ah, I see you two aren't late, that's good. Well, then I'll have to tell you why your here." I nervously gulped, what was he going to do? He then moved his hand under his chin, "You two will be tested today, if you both pass, you will be able to work here. If not well you'll see."

Ella and I were scared, we nodded and he dismissed us. What did he mean by test, where we going to have obstacles? I kept trying to figure out what he meant as we made our way to the hall we were cleaning.

There Ella and I split up to clean this huge place. We agreed to do half each. And so we started. We filled buckets of water to start cleaning the hall. As I began I quickly moved up and forward my section of the hall, all while Eleanor slowly moved. I could tell she wasn't used to cleaning, I mean she did come from a wealthy family. And so I decided to speed up to help my cousin. But before I could start again I heard whispers behind me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Samuel and some man dressed in blue talking. I heard a bit of their conversation and knew that they were both rebels. I was careful to not be noticed while I listened in. Maybe this is what the King's test was, maybe it was to see if we would betray him or ignore a threat to him. But I knew what he was doing. I would listen but not interfere.

I went back to cleaning and joined my cousin on the other side. "You seem awfully quiet Ella." Ella turned her head to me, "What happens if we fail the test? Will the King kill is?" Ella asked worried, I patted her shoulder, "Don't worry I've got the King's test figured out, now all we have to do is clean." Ella looked up at me with more hope in her eyes, "Really what is it?" I remained silent. Ella saw my lack of response and didn't bother asking again. We continued to clean the hall until we finally finished. We both cleaned up our aprons and made our way back to the King. He was sitting on his throne bored, all we had to do now was wait.

~King George's pov~

I sat in my throne room waiting for the two. It was boring just waiting but after a few minutes, the two young women came back in. They just finished my test. I looked down at them both of them, they both bowed and tilted their heads.

I smiled and looked down at the pair. "You two both, did the first part of the test successfully now it is up to you to your minds to see if you will pass." I looked at both of them and Y/N stood up pulling the younger one with her.

I smiled brighter and leaning back slightly. Let's see what she says, she'll either say something or not. Because it was simple, if she doesn't she and her cousin will die. If she does, then she'll live.

She opened her mouth and I leaned in closer, "Excuse me your majesty but could I please request to inform you about something." I waved my hand to tell her to keep speaking, "Your Majesty, as Ella and I were cleaning we overheard Samuel Seabury and another man involved in something that seems like conspiracy. We were worried that they were planning something against you." Y/N bowed and I smiled, she was smarter than I thought. I felt a small grin creep across my face and I rested my head on my hand.

I'll let them live.

"Well said Y/N, you and your cousin Ella are now officially my personal maids. You passed my test." Ella's eyes widened with joy and Y/N seemed relieved. These two girls will be very useful. I dismissed them and they both went of. I returned back to my generals and we began discussing attack plans. Something made me feel like this war would be a long one.

The two girls then sat up and I smirked. The guards escorted them and I looked at Y/N. She glared back at me slightly and I winked at her. Y/N saw this and gave me a slight look of discomfort. She moved away slightly and I grinned to myself.

It wasn't so bad being King.

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