Chapter 15 ~ What If?

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18th of July 1776

~Ella's pov~

I sat alone in this desolate place scanning the room.

"Ella darling wouldn't this look great on you." A woman with wavy ginger hair held up a light blue dress with frills all over it.

"I don't know.," I mumbled. Jane folded her arms. "Come on Ella. What's the long face, your cousin getting married soon." I stared down at my feet, "It's not like she wanted to." Jane rested the dress on my bed and sat next to me. "Are you sure about that, I'm 101% sure the King said she agreed." I glared sideways, "Did she really have a choice though? I mean he is the King."

Jane moved her arm and rubbed my back, "Well at least she's marrying someone wealthy." she remarked, "My husband is only a courtier." I looked up at Jane, "What's his name?" Jane looked at her ring and smiled with true love.

"Samuel." my eyes widened with fear. Jane was married to Samuel, she was Mrs Seabury.

I looked back at my memories of Samuel and didn't recall a ring. Was he playing me, was I just a little toy? Jane laughed at my worried face, "Samuel Oliver Williams is his name. Which makes me Jane Williams."

I internally sighed in relief and laughed. "What's got you laughing now." I smiled, "I haven't laughed in a while." Jane chuckled.

"Your surely a treat Eleanor Fredrick." I looked at Jane in shock. "H-How did you?" She smiled, "Maybe next time don't leave your diary around." I looked at her even more scared, "B-But why are you still kind to me?"

Jane chuckled and put an arm around me, "American generals daughter, French princess or a commoners daughter. I judge people regardless of who you're related to or where you're from." She smiled.

I looked up at her, "Why?" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I don't see these imaginary titles we give each other, I see people. Whenever I meet someone I don't treat them based on their title but their person. See Ella, in life sometimes we need to remember what we are. Were people playing a game, we made rolls for each other to make this game more enjoyable. But some people wanted more power so they created these societal structures.

When I first saw you I wondered if we could be friends and I was right we could. This doesn't change for anyone I meet. When I met the King I looked into his soulless eyes and asked my self this question.

If the world had been different and you and I were the same could we have been friends?

If he wasn't the King and instead a servant could we have loved each other?

Your cousin is no different, what would she have said to George if he wasn't the King. What would she have said if they had known each other since birth?

Do you think she would have said no?"

I stared at my hands. Jane's words filled me. She was a smart woman and I agreed with her.

"Jane, what happens if we live again. What happens if next time we meet in another life. Will you still be my friend?" Jane smiled her purple-blue eyes mysteriously stared into my soul. "I have a feeling we will all meet each other again. Be it the next life or beyond, I hope to see you again." I smiled at this thought.

Another life. I stared out at the window the rain calling me like a distant yet familiar voice. I felt Jane's hand on my shoulder, a turned around to her but saw nothing but darkness.

"I love you, Amelia."

The sound fire crackled as the sounds of a crowd chanted.

I looked above me to see the glow of the fire and the man I loved.

"Please don't go, John."

Burn! Burn!

I heard the chants around me as I dashed to the front.

Smoke consumed my lungs and I could feel my throat sting.

My eyes flooded with tears and my knees collapsed. I saw my love one burn in pain.


Who is John?

Who and where am I?

When was I?

I awoke again tucked into my bed. I saw the fireplace in front of my bed was alight burning in its ember glow. I sprung up and saw Jane sitting on a chair to the side of my bed reading a book.

I looked at her and saw the night sky through the window behind her, "How long was I out Jane?" panicked. Jane closed her book and stared at me with her purple and blue eyes.

"Long enough my dear, and please call me Ulysses." I looked at Jane in confusion, "U-Ulysses?" Jane smiled and placed the book down, "The one and only!" she said smiling. "But that was a legend and shouldn't you be a comet," I questioned. Ulysses laughed, "I'm named after that legend silly." I awkwardly chuckled and smiled at Ulysses. "Why don't people call you your real name?"

Ulysses sat next to me and smiled. "I haven't told anyone, only My husband." I looked at her puzzled.

"Why?" I curiously inspected. She smiled, "You sure do ask a lot of questions. But that's good of course it keeps the Mind young. And to answer your question, I will be honest as I possibly can. It's because you saw it." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "What do you mean? What did I see?" Jane laughed, "You saw something not many have seen, you saw. Your past life."

I lifted my brow in confusion, "Past Life?" she saw my confusion and pushed a strand of my hair out of my face, "Yes a past life. You're familiar with the legend of Ulysses, am I correct." I quickly nodded, "Well part of the legend states that Ulysses grants people a second life. And you my dear. Received one." Ulysses tapped my nose.

"B-But that means that dream of mine was real, the burning and that man." Ulysses eyes shone, "It's been a while, Amelia."

My back shivered, why was that name so familiar? I looked out at the window at the stars. Amelia.

"Excuse me Mrs Williams but the King requires help with his fiancee." A voice shouted from out the door. "It must be that cousin of yours. You must be the well behaved one." I chuckled and Ulysses kissed my forehead. "Goodnight darling." Ulysses got up from my bed and followed the servant.

I heard the door shut and I laid my head back down. I stared at the fireplace as if it was a familiar sight.

I always had a fear of fire especially smoke, ever since I was a girl.

I didn't know why before but I think it might have something to do with this past life Ulysses mentioned.

I grabbed my sheets and brought them closer to my body.

"What if?"

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