Chapter 32 ~ Familiar

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21st of January 1780

I drummed my fingers against the counter and  sighed looking around, today was less busy than usual.

Frederick was playing in the shop and Matilda was sleeping upstairs. I smiled and went into the kitchen to start making the baguettes Lafayette ordered.

"Hello?" A woman's voice called out. I turned around and walked back to the counter. I saw a woman and a man standing in front of the counter. "Hi ma'am what would you like today." I smiled. The woman stumbled on her words a bit, "C-Could I have the hochzeitstorte. " I looked at her confused and she turned around to the man, He whispered something to her. "Oh I'm sorry my financee, meant to say Wedding cake. She grew up in Germany." the man explained.

I nodded and smiled, "I understand. Anyway can I have your names and when you need this cake please." I smiled. The man smiled, "Arthur Clarke and my wife Charlotte- ah um, Smith, we'd need it in two weeks." he nervously stuttered. I smiled and wrote down the order.

While I was doing this Charlotte approached Frederick. "Arthur, dieser Junge sieht aus wie George." she mumbled looking at him. I looked over at her and smiled, "That's my son, Frederick." I nervously spoke, Charlotte looked away from Frederick and smiled sincerely at me, "Thank you, Y/N." she grabbed her fiancè and walked away waving us goodbye.

I smiled at her oddness for a second but then something hit me.

"How did she know my name?"

~Later on~

"And here's the baguette's." I smiled and passed the bag to Lafayette. He smiled, "Thank you, Y/N. How are you anyway?" he spoke in his French accent. I smiled, "Good, but I do have a question. Do you know an Arthur Clarke and Charlotte Smith?" I questioned him. He furrowed his brow curiously, "Non, but I've heard those names before. Maybe you can stop by the camp and I can see if there are any records on them."

"You'd do that?" I smiled. "Yep! Your a good person Y/N and us immigrants need to help each other, you know." he smiled. "But why do you need info on them?" He asked. "Just curious." I replied.

Lafayette picked up the bag and smiled, "Well whatever you are curious about. Don't be shy to come to the camp." he walked out of the shop and bell rang.

Just who are you two?

~The next day~

"Hello?" I yelled out standing in front of Lafayette's tent. The white canvas opened and Alexander and John's heads popped out, "There you are Y/N." Alexander smiled and grabbed my arm pulling me into the tent. "Wait!"

I opened my eyes and saw the Hamilsquad all around a table. "What the heck guys?" I asked. Lafayette smiled, "Well you asked me to find out information about Arthur Clarke and Charlotte Smith, so we did." He held up a piece of paper. "We found out that they were originally from England." he explained.

"Really? But the lady said she was from Germany." I nervously spoke. "Oh her well we found out that this, 'Charlotte Smith' papers were fake." he smirked.

"But that means she could be anyone, what happens if I have a stalker?" I nervously rambled. John moved forward, "How can she be a stalker?" he questioned.

"She knew my name without asking me." I replied.

The group stared at me blankly. "You do look like a Y/N tho..." Alexander voiced. "Hey this is serious, what happens if George sent her, I mean she did come from England!" I scolded him.

"Relax, Y/N they came here way back in 1761, that's like 19 years ago." Hercules responded. I sighed, "Well I guess maybe it's just a coincidence." John smiled and pat my shoulder, "Hey atleast there not stalkers."

I smiled and stood up. "Thanks guys." I waved them good bye and exited the tent.

Maybe it was, just a coincidence. Maybe I'm being  too paranoid. I tried to calm down myself.

"Whoever you are, why was it Frederick you noticed?"

~Third person pov~

"Poor girl." Charlotte whispered

"I know." Arthur responded and wrapped his arm around his finacee.

Charlotte snuggled up to him, "It's sad to see, I wonder what he did to her. That could have been me."

"Hey it's ok, now where here you'll never have to find out." Arthur smiled.

"Danke, Arthur. I hope that girl finds true love like I did with you." She breathed in the cold air.

The couple looked each other and hugged,

"Ich bin froh, dass ich weggelaufen bin."


This chapter was brought to you by Google translate.

I literally don't speak German. So it was a lifesaver.

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