Chapter 33 ~ A Winter's Ball

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29th of January 1780

The hall was full of chatter as people raced to prepare it for the ball. I was one of these people, my job was to provide the function with enough baked delights to feed everyone attending the ball. Of course, with Ella and Samuels help.

I unloaded the bread I baked and layed it out onto a table. The ball we were preparing for was a yearly ball, The Winter's Ball. It was were most young soldiers and women found or confessed their love.

Of course being married (kind of). I was more excited for the food and activities, it had been a while since the incident at the Christmas party and I was ready to have fun and socialise again.

"And were done!" I smiled placing the last loaf on the table. Ella smiled cheerfully, "That's good, now we can get ready for the ball. Who knows maybe you might find another guy." Ella teased. I sighed and picked up Matilda, "I think I've had my share of love. Besides who would want to be with a woman who already had kids." I mumbled. Ella rolled her eyes and picked up her son. "Whatever suits you Y/N." she then walked out of the hall with Samuel, "See you tonight!" she announced. I smiled and watched them walk out.

"Frederick!" I called out. I waited for him to come to me. "Frederick!" I said again worriedly. There was no answer. I quickly rushed up to one of the other people in the room, "Have you seen a little boy, he's about this tall, h/c hair and blue eyes?" I panicked.

"Oh yeah I saw him follow a man outside." she replied. My eyes widened with fear and I quickly ran outside holding Matilda.

I searched the street frantically and looked around for Frederick, "Frederick!" I called out. But no one responded. I quickly ran around and I caught a glimpse of him. "Frederick!" I cried out. But he didn't respond, I quickly ran up to him and grabbed him. "Frederick what are you doing!?" I scolded him. Frederick looked up at me with his father's eyes. He then pointed to the man he was following. "Look it's Daddy!" he smiled excitedly. I froze in fear and backed away from the figure. "Mommy what's wrong?" Frederick asked looking at my face. I shivered in fear as the man turned around.

"Is something troubling you two?" he asked politely, and looked at me with his green eyes. "Nothing Sir, sorry for bothering you." I replied relieved. "Oh ok then well bye then." he then smiled and walked away.

I held Frederick close to me, "Don't ever do that again."

~Later that night~

The delightful sound's of joy filled the room as couples and singles alike walked into the dazzling room. From young soldiers to respected commanders, it seemed as if the whole of New York was in this hall.

Then there was me, a single mother who ran away from her husband. Unlike everyone in the room I wasn't looking for love, I was here to enjoy the my life. People began to congregate in the middle, Samuel and Ella even joined in. But me I just watched. I watched the couples dance.

Everyone who I had met in this city had someone. Alexander was dancing with Elizabeth Schuyler. Samuel and Ella were together and even the hamilsquad had found partners. I smiled and watched everyone, lights seemed to glisten in every eye as they rhythmically floated around the room.

The melancholic melody played and a memory I had soon surfaced my mind.

I still remembered the night George proposed to me, I remembered the candlelight ballroom and the judging stares of the guests. I remembered dancing with George nervously, and him just ignoring all the other guests.

I remembered him seeing how unhappy I was and whisking me away to the garden. He really did care for me, but I didn't.

My mind raced again and I felt an overwhelming emotion. It rattled in my brain and gave me a feeling of almost happiness. I took a deep breath and suppressed everything. I turned my head and went back to watching the ball.

"You seem distressed." someone spoke next to me. I turned my head and saw a woman with brown curly hair staring at someone in the crowd. "Distressed? Oh no I'm just a bit nervous." I nervously smiled. The lady smiled, "Angelica Schuyler nice to meet you." she out her hand out. I shook her hand, "Y/N L/N it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled. Schuyler, she must be Eliza's older sister. "So why is someone like you not dancing?" Angelica smiled. I sighed, "Well I have these two to look after." I pointed at a sleeping Matilda and Frederick. "Oh so your married?" she asked.

"Kind of." I mumbled. Angelica looked at me but just smirked, "You seem unsatisfied, what's troubling you?" she asked. I gazed down at my feet, "I honestly don't know." I replied.

"I've seen that face you have before, girl your clearly in love." she voiced. I looked at her with sincerity, "Really, I thought I gave up on love years ago." I looked at Frederick and Matilda peacefully sleeping.

Angelica patted my shoulder, "Your like me, Y/N. We'll both never be satisfied." she smiled and looked at Alexander dancing with her sister. "It was nice talking to you Y/N, and before I leave can I give you some advice." she smiled and held my shoulder. "Ok."

Her brown eyes reflected the candle light and she looked at me with sincerity, "Let yourself love dear, don't worry and just smile. Because if you keep up your attitude how are you ever going to be satisfied?" she looked into my e/c eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" I confusingly asked. Angelica smiled and let go of my shoulder, she walked away into the crowd.

I watched her leave and her words tumbled in my mind, what did she mean? I shook the thought away and looked back at Frederick and Matilda sleeping peacefully.

"Am I satisfied?"


While I was reading this Seventeen from Heathers started playing and I got emotional for some reason.

So yeah.....


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