Chapter 68 ~ Make Your Move

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~Part Five - The worst of us~

18th of May 1782

~Ella's pov~

The four us crowed around the kitchen table, all staring at a map of the palace. It was cold and early and yet we were all ready. "So everyone got the plan?" Samuel grinned. I nodded and Ben and Oliver followed. "So what do you all think? Because I think it's time for me to get payback." Samuel voiced. Oliver rolled his eyes, "Sure I guess, I'm just doing this to survive." he stated.

I chuckled slightly and Ben smiled, "So do you think William will be okay by himself?" I looked at him and looked down at William, "I explained everything to him as much as I could. He knows what to do." I replied. Ben grinned brighter and he slid on a brown messenger bag. "So I guess we should go. Before George gets suspicious." Ben remarked. We all nodded and stared at the orange candlelight. "It's been a hectic six years." Samuel voiced. I smiled slightly and placed my arm around him. "Don't worry Sam, once this is over our life can finally be normal." I sighed. Samuel chuckled slightly and we all looked at each other. "So then let's go kidnap a Queen." Oliver chanted.

I grinned brightly again and we made our separate ways to the same cursed place. I went out through the back door clenched my coat slightly. My boots skidding across the brazen concrete. Now all I had to do was convince Y/N to come with me, I know George had her wrapped around his finger but I know what he's doing.

He's controlling Y/N for his own gain and pleasure. It wasn't love at all, and I made it my duty to help Y/N. I stared up at the street lamps and willing and ready. I continued across the cobbled street all the way to the familiar gate. The guards were lazily keeping watch while talking indiscreetly, I plastered on a charming smile and walked up to them. "Good morning gentlemen, I'm here a bit earlier on the request of her Majesty Queen Y/N." I bowed slightly.

One of the guards looked to his friend and yawned. He turned to me and smiled, "Is that so? You are a pretty lady. Maybe after you serve the Queen, we can meet back at my place." he grinned. The other guard rolled his eyes and I chuckled slightly flashing my ring. The guard who had just flirted with me flushed red and opened the door, "S-Sorry ma'am." he opened the gate and I smirked walking inside.

The palace was it's usual self, except for the fact that it was almost completely dark. I walked forward and stared around looking at the darkened surroundings. Each step I took was quieter as the echoing of any sound that was made increased. I continued down the main hall and caught a glimpse of Samuel.

I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled in return as we parted ways. I wished him luck because what he was about to do was risky. I sighed slightly and prayed in my mind he'd be safe. But I knew him well, and he knew George and the palace well too. All I had to worry about was getting Y/N out of here.

I soon arrived at the hallway leading Y/N and George's bedroom. I continued down the desolate hall and walked along. I prayed to everything freaking God that had ever existed that George wasn't with her. Taking a deep breath I continued. And soon I found my feet near the bedroom door. I sighed slightly and fiddled with the handle. I took another laboured breath and opened the door to see Y/N curled up and laying down, her hair and clothes were a mess.

The door creaked further and Y/N sat up, "Ella?" I smiled and ran towards her Y/N smiled slightly and I hugged her tightly. "Are you okay? Did George do anything?" I asked worriedly. Y/N just smiled slightly and shoved something from the ground under the bed, "I'm fine, I managed to convince him not to." she explained. I grinned and hugged her again.

"Well have you made your decision yet? Because we need to go." I smiled picking up her jacket from the ground. Y/N stayed silent and I dug her drawer for some valuables and stuffed them into my coat. "Come on." I grabbed her arm but felt her pull on it. I looked up at her e/c eyes and gave her a look of confusion. "What do you mean?" I questioned. Y/N gaze faltered and she pulled her arm again.

"I don't want to leave."

~Samuel's pov~

I smiled back at Ella and then went my way heading up a different staircase than Ella. The palace, to my luck, was desolate and only the occasional maid passed by. I smiled to myself as I crept up another staircase and through the halls making my way to George's study.

My brown eyes fixated around at everything and each move I made was carefully calculated. I couldn't risk dying, not for my sake but for Ella, Y/N and Will. I sighed again and paused taking a deep breath. And stared around at the ornate paintings on the wall. My eyes caught on one particular painting.

It was a portrait of Y/N, George and her children all smiling happily. I looked at the painting in spite and scoffed, knowing most of the smiles in the picture were forced.

I knew that Y/N didn't love George and I understood why. George could've given her time and let her be, but instead, he forced her into this life she never wanted. Y/N was talented and very artistic. In the letters, she sent to me whilst I was in America painted her ambitions.

Y/N didn't want to be a wife or mother she wanted to be an artist, a person who created and explored. I turned away from the painting in pure frustration and continued walking.

Soon I arrived at George's study and I sighed reaching for the door handle. I grabbed it and opened the door to the study. I walked in and headed to the desk, slowly creeping up to it. A smile formed on my face and I reached out. But before I could I heard someone walk in. The familiar sinister, aura I knew to well was present.

"Hello Samuel."

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