Chapter 74 ~ Loser

730 17 24

20th of May 1782

~Third person pov~

Y/N, Oliver, Ben, Samuel, William and Ella were on the run. Making their last reach for freedom. Their small cart strutted through the English countryside and made it's way to the seaside. Everything was finally going to plan for the group.

Y/N was almost free from her husband of 6 years.

Ella would finally be able to resolve her guilt.

Samuel would show his former King that he didn't need him.

And Oliver and Ben were just happy to be alive.

"So, Samuel. How far until Brighton?" Oliver leaned back slightly. Samuel turned his head and sighed. "A few more hours." Oliver nodded in response and Samuel turned back to the road.

"You'd think running away from the King of England would be exciting and yet here we are." Oliver groaned slightly and Ben shook his head. Ella giggled, holding William and she smiled leaning against Y/N.

"So you ready to leave?" she asked. Y/N smiled and ruffled Will's hair. "Of course." Ella grinned and hugged her son tighter. "I hope your children will be okay with George." She mumbled. Y/N smiled slightly and leaned against the edge of the cart. "I just want to forget my life from before. It sounds horrible but I want to forget my children." Y/N looked out at the trees. Ella smiled sympathetically and she looked behind at Y/N, something catching her eyes.

"Samuel, don't be too startled but can you please tell the horses to speed up, I can see a group of British soldiers right on our tail." She panicked as the group of men in red neared the cart. Samuel's eyes widened and everyone in the cart ducked. Samuel took a deep breath and held the reigns, scanning the surrounding trees. He pulled them slightly to his left muttering something.

"A little short cut won't hurt."

~George's pov~

I gripped tightly on the reigns of the horse as a group of soldiers and I speeded down a road. We were following this road and carefully stalking the group ahead of us. It had taken almost a day but the group was almost in sight.

My blue eyes glared deeper and one of the soldiers looked to me. "Are you okay your Majesty? We can carry on the retrieval for you." He smiled kindly. I gave him a glaring look and he smiled awkwardly turning back to the road. I didn't want to rely on anyone to bring my wife back, I was going to get her myself.

I glared deeper at my surroundings and scanned for any sight of Y/N or her group but nothing was to be seen. I scolded myself in frustration as we moved deeper into the forest pathway. The soldiers kept their eyes out and I kept mine straight ahead. The horses trotted and my eyes caught onto the sight of a wooden cart. I gave the soldiers the signal and the soldiers nodded pulling harder on the reigns.

I followed soon after and we sped faster almost reaching the cart. I smiled and the horses sprinted faster. But then the cart shifted sharply, turning to another clearing. My eyes widened and I caught a glimpse of Y/N.

Her face was full of fear as her e/c eyes met mine and I gave her a glare as we sped past. I reached out my hand to grab her but it was too late. Samuel had already turned.

~Y/N's pov~

I shuddered staring at George, my stomach paced slightly and I felt guilt build up in me as I looked back. I breathed in and felt the bumpy road below me. "You couldn't find a better escape route, Sam?" Oliver jittered and glared at Samuel. I smiled slightly and felt Ella pat my shoulder. "You okay?" I looked at her and smiled, "Yeah, my stomach's a bit sore but I'm fine apart from that." I explained. Ella smiled and looked at my stomach closer. "You don't think it could..."

My face froze and I flushed red, "Of course not." I nervously spoke. Ella chuckled and held William. "I can already smell the salty air, we must be close." She smiled. I nodded and looked out at the sea between the trees. I was so close to freedom and yet something riddled inside me.

I didn't want this feeling and yet it came back. But I didn't care, there was no time for regrets. I was fine leaving George, and I was fine leaving my children. I knew this well and truly and yet I felt like something was holding me and keeping me from jumping into the boat. I sighed slightly and looked back at everyone else. I smiled softly at them, people who I once only knew by name and face were now my real family.

Not Frederick and Matilda and certainly not George. It was Ella, Samuel, their son and maybe Oliver and Ben who really cared about what I felt. And that was true love.

I smiled to myself and the cart started to move into the streets of Brighton. William gawked and he pointed at the sun hovering above the shore shifting the sky to pink. I chuckled at William's smile and I looked up at Samuel. His face was full of determination and the warm glow of the sunset was reflecting on his brown eyes. I felt something warm inside me and I enjoyed the sight of people going about their daily life as it was.

Everything was just as I wanted, simple.

Ella gave me another grin and we neared the pier. The cart stopped and Samuel beamed down at us. "Were finally here." William clapped excitedly and Ella lifted him onto the ground. I smiled again and I hopped out fo the cart with the others. Samuel smiled and he pointed out towards the pier to the very end. "Our ticket to freedom is right ahead." I tried to smile again but felt my mind become numb. I looked behind me and saw red figures in the distance.

Ella began walking and I followed the group along the pier. Guilt began to subside and I knew what I had to do. The six of us strutted along the pier as the sun neared the horizon. I went along with their joy and stared out at the freedom which I yearned for.

I looked back again and the soldiers had spotted us. I held in my urge to yell and I let the group in front of me drift further ahead. Samuel jumped onto the wooden plank leading up to the boat and he smiled waving to me. I waved back but his eyes widened. "Y/N!" I turned around and the soldiers and George were coming closer.

Oliver, Ben, Ella and William all quickly shuffled onto the boat and I jogged slightly to the plank. "Come on Y/N!" Ella yelled out and I gave her a slight grin. I walked towards the plank and took a deep breath.

Ella held out her hand and I looked up at her. I gave her another slight grin and I looked down at the plank. My foot moved and I kicked the plank down, the plank fell and splashed into the sea below us.

"Y/N!? What are you doing George is right there!?" Ella panicked and Samuel scanned the deck for rope. Oliver and Ben looked at me confused and I chucked Samuel a piece of paper. He caught it and looked at me in fear as the boat drifted away. "Y/N why aren't you coming?" he worriedly asked. I smiled slightly and looked into his brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired of playing this game. I've lost enough." I replied.

Samuel gave me another scared look but it folded back into a sincere look. Ella looked at me, giving me a glaring look and turned away holding her son close to her chest. I waved my hand and held in the tears that were brimming in my eyes as I cheered. Oliver, Ben and Samuel nodded slightly and I smiled sitting down on the edge of the pier seeing their figures disappear. I lifted my weight and swung my legs. Staring down at my feet as tears rolled down my face into the watery abyss.

"Y/N!?" A voice called out and I turned my head to see George, with tears in his eyes. I gave him a slight grin and he ran up to me giving me a hug. I smiled slightly and looked out at the sunset. "Why didn't you leave?" George gasped. His eyes were full of joy and fear at the same time.

I touched his hand and looked at his eyes full of fear. I smiled brighter and turned to hug him. I felt my heart loosen and I buried my face near George's shoulder.

"I guess I'm fine with being a loser."

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