Chapter 36 ~ Wedding Bells

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December 1780

Knock knock!

My cold knuckles hit against the wood. I stood back next to Ella and waited for the door to open.

Footsteps started to be heard and the door opened. "Y/N! Ella!" the voice of Eliza greeted us. "Morning Eliza or should I say Mrs Hamilton." Ella smirked. Eliza blushed, "Ha not yet!" she said smiled, "Anyway come in you must be cold."

We walked inside the big house and walked to a room. "So what dress are you wearing Eliza?" Ella smiled. Eliza turned her head, "It's a surprise." We giggled and went up to her room.

"Ok then sit down, I need all the advice I can get!" Eliza awkwardly declared. I smirked and sat down on the bed with Ella. "I don't understand why'd you'd be asking us." I wondered. Eliza smiled and sat down, "You too have both been married before so I think you could help me, ya know." she awkwardly explained. I smiled and leaned back, "All I can say is don't stare at anyone while going down the aisle and make sure your husband doesn't get drunk on drinking five glasses of wine."

"That was oddly specific, Y/N." Eliza lifted her brow. "Well you asked for advice and I delivered." I replied. Ella smiled and grabbed Eliza's arm, "Liz the only advice I can give is don't be nervous, your marrying the man of your dreams for god's sake. Don't worry about what other people think beacuse it's your day! When Samuel and I got married it was the best day of my life, and that's how it should be. Stay Calm." Ella yelled. Eliza glanced sideways, "Ok...."

"On the bright side Liz, at least you actually love him. And if you make a mistake, their will be no annoying English noblemen and Women staring at you like moths to a flame." You explained. Eliza looked at you smiled, "Have you ever thought of getting remarried?" she asked. I sat up, "Heck no! I'm not even technically divorced." I ranted.

"Just kidding!" she teased. I smiled and stood up, "Well I better get back, I don't think Samuel will be able to control my son any longer." I smirked. Eliza smiled and Ella stood up with me.

"Bye!" We walked out of the room and exited the house. Ella smirked and grabbed my arm, "So is that wine thing true."

~The next day~

The familiar tune of a wedding played, Eliza walked down the aisle with her father in a stunning dress. I watched her nervously walk up to the altar, and meet Hamilton.

Alexander for once was dressed formally, he was blushing and staring his wofe in the eyes. I smiled with joy as I watched them recite their vows, who knew weddings could be happy?

Soon they finished and they kissed passionately. Some people were crying tears of joy and others were fraught with excitement. This was how a real wedding was supposed to be like.

Alexander and Eliza then walked back down and out of the church. Everyone was clapping and smiling, and I was too.

Seeing the joy on someone's face made me feel so much better. But it did leave me with a slight jealousy, not because I wanted to be Eliza but because I never had a wedding like this.

The day I got married was the worst day of my life, I was engaged to someone I hated and I only knew one person. But there was no point in feeling jealous, I was proud for Eliza.

If only I had the choice to turn back time. But yet I couldn't. I watched the couple smile and giggle.

What was that like?

~Later that night~

"Alright, Alright everyone calm down, I want to maoe a toast to the newly wed couple!" Laurens smiled and held out his glass, "To Alexander my friend, and Eliza his wife, I hope you both have a long and happy marriage full of laughter." he cheered. I smiled and lifted my glass up. Matilda was sitting on my lap smiling and everyone cheered. People then went back to eating amd the night began.

I people and smiled along with them, enjoying this wedding. Except Angelica, I could see her regretful face from across the table. I wondered why but then again not everyone could be happy at a wedding.

Soon some people started walking to the middle. Music played and people danced, I stood up from my chair and decided to join in.

I managed to find a partner and the beat of the music sped up. Everyone danced around laughing and singing. And admittedly I was as well.

We switched partners every now and then and for the first time I actually felt 27.

The night soom became late and Matilda and Frederick were almost asleep. Being their mother I decided to go home for the night. I walked up to Alexander and Eliza, who were talking to Washington. "Hi guys, I'm really sorry but I need to leave. Matilda and Frederick are really tired." I explained.

Alexander smiled, "Well it was nice having you, and thank you for the cake." he smiled. I smiled back and turned to Eliza winking. She flushed with embarrassment and we all laughed.

"Oh um Y/N before you go we received another letter from the King, only one this time and it was addressed to you directly." Washington spoke and handed me an envelope. "Be careful Y/N George is more dangerous than you think." Washington urged. I smiled, "Don't worry General, I know George more than most." Washington smiled, "Well I'll see you next time Ms L/N." he shook my hand. I smiled and walked away.

I lifted Matilda up and woke Frederick. "Mommy?" Frederick smiled. "Come one let's go home." I smiled. Frederick stood up and we walked out.

~Back at home~

The three of us sat down in bed, Matilda was fast asleep and Frederick was slightly awake. "Mommy when you got married to Daddy what was it like." he smiled.

I looked down at him, "It was the best day of my life." I smiled softly.

Stop lying to him Y/N.

"Really? Was it fun!" Frederick smiled. "Really fun, your daddy and I danced a lot."

We did, but I didn't like it, nothing was fun.

"Mommy do you love daddy?" Frederick asked. I forced a smile, "Of course."

Yeah right.

"Ha your funny mommy! Good night." Frederick giggled. He lean his head against my hip and closed his eyes. I smiled and looked over at Matilda who was sleeping peacefully. Even though I didn't want it to be true, without George they wouldn't be here. I loved both of them. But that doesn't mean I love him.

Or Did I?


Sorry for not updating yesterday, my older cousin was here and I hadn't been able to talk to her for almost two months.

Anyway hope you guys like this moderately happy chapter, because things are going to go downhill soon.

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