Chapter 54 ~ Commitment

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2nd of April 1782

~Y/N's pov~

"Checkmate." Jane smirked moving the black piece forward. I furrowed my brow as I sighed in defeat, "How are you so good at this." I groaned. Jane's thin lips curved and she chuckled slightly, "Experience." Jane explained. I scoffed and ignored her usual vague words. "So another game then, you've got to teach me that move." I smiled.

Jane laughed again, her violet eyes staring into my e/c ones. "The best secrets are best kept." She grinned. I rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Being Queen is so boring, I mean I don't even do anything half the time." I groaned. Jane smirked, "Ey at least you get to live quite comfortably." She laughed. "Well what's the point, if you're going to be bored out of your mind, I mean I've only been here for a month and I already feel dead." I complained and rested my head on the table.

"George is okay and all, but damn he's boring, like he never talks or does anything interesting, at least Samuel actually has a personality beyond his job." I explained. Jane didn't reply and I was met with silence. I lifted my head from the table and saw George standing at the door.

I awkwardly smiled, "Hiiiiiiiii~." George looked at me and walked towards the table. I gulped in fear as he walked beside me, I looked at Jane who was already booking it out. She winked at me and shuffled out the door. 

Oh shit. I mentally facepalmed hoping George didn't hear my comment. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, "Would you like to go for a walk?" he grinned. I nodded and stood up. "Of course!" I spoke trying to sound excited. George smiled slightly and we walked out of the room.

He held my hand tightly and we walked out to the garden. The garden was quiet, andnthe smell of freshly trimmed grass filled my lungs. George led me around and we stayed silent looking around at the plants and flowers.

Everything was neatly trimmed and almost symmetrical. It made me miss the unkempt garden that my parents had before. I sighed and continued to follow George. To think that this was going to be what the rest of my life would be like.

We soon arrived near a pond, it was quite large and eas mainly shaded by an bushy willow tree. I smiled slightly at the tree, it was unusually messy. "This is my favourite spot, besides the other tree." George spoke.

I turned to him to see a grin on his face. He turned to me and smiled softly and grabbed my hand leading me to a small wooden bench near the tree. George sat down and I followed him, sitting on the creaky wood. "It's not anything special or interesting but it's always helped me." he explained. "I know it's really boring here, believe me I've spent most of my life here. But it can be more." he smiled. I looked at him confused and turned my head back to the view.

The pond was at the very far end of the garden. Sat up against the line of trees that guarded the castle. From the bench you could see the neat rows of flowers and the perfectly trimmed hedges. Everything was so organised and structured and yet George found his comfort by the willow.

"It's okay you think I'm boring, Y/N. Frankly you should've told me." He turned to me and rested his hands on mine, his eyes caught the sight of the fact that my wedding ring was gone. "I know you hate this place, and you want to go back to America. But thanks for staying with me." George explained. I smiled slightly, "Well you're my husband, I love you." I smiled awkwardly, tugging my hands back.

For some reason those words couldn't come out of me properly. There was a slight push to them, like I had to convince myself to say them. George smiled softly and wrapped his arms around me. "Why do you love me?" George whispered.

My eyes widened and I held onto him. Why did I love him? I couldn't even answer it let alone give him a straight answer. It stuttered a bit but managed a sentence, "Because your a good father and you love me." I smiled. George's smiled weakened and he let his grip on me go. He stood up and looked to me, "You don't need to lie to me." he smiled and walked of.

Did I lie? And did I really love George? I mean I told him that I loved him but did I? Of course he did love me and was a good father, but why? I looked back out and saw George walking back to the palace. I stared out and felt something tumble in my stomach. It was something I hadn't felt in a while.

The feeling had found me and was ready to strike again, I promised myself it wouldn't happen but yet here I was. Regretting everything I had said that day. It wasn't love I felt that day I arrived, it was guilt. Guilt that I didn't love George back.

~Ella's pov~

"And that's why I can't drink tea anymore." Samuel explained. Leon laughed slightly and took a sip of his rum. "You two have a very interesting life, makes me regret not doing more." he grinned. Samuel and I laughed and smiled at Leon.

For the past month or so this was each day, exchanging stories and advice we had collected over the years. Some of the stuff Samuel said he had never even told me. The three of us, three completely different people. A swiss soldier fighting for the French, a man who was a trusted advisor of the King and is now a rebel and me Eleanor Jane Fredrick, cousin to Y/N.

We were all different and yet our stories seemed so connected. It made me happy, knowing that everyone has their own story. And even though mine was still going I felt as if I only had one more thing to do to have my happy end.

I was going to find Y/N and take her back. It had been years since we had met George and yet my goal had been the same for the past 6 years.

It was to get my cousin away from him, no matter what.

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