Chapter 71 ~ Loyal Subject

364 14 7

18th of May 1782

~Samuel's pov~

The rope constricted around my waist and I held in my breath looking around at the sea of people. I adjusted my head slightly and felt the rope chafe against my neck. I tool another laboured breath and turned to Ella giving her a slight glance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here to witness the execution of Samuel and Ella Seabury." The hooded man chanted. I scoffed slightly and the crowds' glare deepened as they awaited. The hooded man smirked and he unfurled a piece of parchment with his pale hands. "His Majesty, King George had decreed that these two traitors were planning to kill the Queen. But in luck, they caught these unruly traitors and saved the Queen's life."

The crowd erupted into sounds of unruly chanting, I looked down and scanned the area for the familiar pairs of blue eyes. I took another breath and turned back to the green-eyed man.  "The King has personally ordered for them to be hung along with anyone involved, people who know or have seen these people are to report to the King immediately." He declared. Some members of the crowd began grinning with ambition and the executioner cleared his throat. I gave him a slight hand signal and he nodded. I faced the crowd and took one last breath as the man's hand moved towards the lever.

I gave Ella another glance and felt the rope around my waist tighten, making my breath even more uncomfortable. The man's hand moved and I felt the floor below me disappear. I breathed in slightly and closed my eyes slowly and slowed my breath. All I could hear now was the crowd cheering for my demise.

~Ben's pov~

I held my cloak closer to my chest and I stared up at Samuel, he gave me a quick glance and I nodded moving closer to the block. I pushed through the unruly crowd and walked closer towards the block and turned my head to watch the execution. I looked up at the slightly grey sky and smiled looking at the executioner. He sent me another glare and he pulled the lever down.

Cheers abrupted from the crowd and Samuel and Ella hung from the rope's attached to them. I queasily stared at them but kept my face straight as the crowd dispersed. I then started to walk near the platform, holding a dagger in my hands. I took another breath and looked behind at the few people still sticking around. Seeing the crowd lessen I walked towards the stairs leading up to the platform and stepped into the shaky wood.

I held the railing with my free hand and began walking up while keeping an eye on the crowd. I watched as more and more people disappeared, leaving just a handful of nosy people lurking around. I quickly jumped up onto the platform and walked towards the hooded man. He smiled and pulled off his hood to reveal his brown hair.

"Left me waiting Ben." Oliver chuckled. I smiled and he patted my shoulder, "Well we better get these 'dead' bodies back home then." he smirked. I flushed red slightly and smiled, "Sure, got the cart?" I questioned. Oliver grinned wider and pointed to a cart on the ground. I smirked and he walked towards Samuel and Ella. "Dagger please." he gestured at me. I nodded and handed him the dagger.

"Ok, now can you hold Ella?" He instructed me. I nodded and put my arms around her waist. "Now be ready, when I cut the rope hold her really tightly," he spoke quietly. I nodded again and he moved his arm towards the rope. He grabbed the dagger tightly and swiftly cut the rope. I grabbed Ella tightly and Oliver smiled. I carried her body to the cart and placed her inside. Her eyes opened slightly and I smiled warmly. She winked and closed both her eyes. I turned back around and back up onto the platform.

"I'll be holding Samuel this time, I need you to cut his rope." Oliver handed me the dagger. "Ok," I replied and Oliver grinned, and grabbed Samuel's waist. I gave him a quick glare and moved my hands towards the rope. The dagger was slippery in my sweating hands as I carefully moved the blade towards the rope. "Just do it already." Oliver ushered and I nodded cutting swiftly.

"Frick.." Oliver winced in pain as he held Samuel up. I moved towards Oliver and helped him. "I swear to God, what the hell did Samuel eat?" Oliver huffed. I giggled slightly and we walked down the stairs slightly disoriented. "Do you think Will's ok?" I questioned. Oliver grinned and he held Samuel's head tighter, "Well firstly his parents aren't dead so?" I scoffed and we moved towards the cart, chucking him onto the cart. Oliver smiled at me and held the cart handles.

"Well then let's go."

~Ella's pov~

I felt the bumpy road below my head as Oliver and Ben pushed the cart towards their house. I opened my eyes and stared up at the grey sky, I turned my head and saw Samuel, still and quiet. The cart moved along the miserable street until we reached the door of Ben's home. "Hey traitors! We're  here." Oliver sarcastically grinned and I sat up untying the rope around my waist. "Well, that hurt," I remarked and sat up. Oliver rolled his eyes and slapped Samuel across the face.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." He scolded Samuel. Samuel's head flinched slightly and he glared at Oliver. "Hey, I was having a moment." Oliver gave him another eye roll and helped me out of the cart. "We better get inside then, don't want to attract any attention." He spoke lowly and I nodded following Ben and Oliver into the house.

"Mommy!!!" My eyes widened and Will ran up to me hugging my legs. "Mommy! Your back, and Daddy too!" He grinned and I lifted him up placing a kiss on his cheek. "He giggled and Oliver and Ben smiled walking towards the kitchen. I turned to Samuel and he kissed his son and smiled at me as we walked into the kitchen.

I pulled a seat out and Oliver, Ben, Samuel and I looked down at the table. "So plan B then?" Samuel voiced. Ben nodded and chucked some coins onto the table. "It's gonna be very risky you know." He spoke softly. I looked at him and Oliver placed his hand upon Ben's shoulder. "Well, then my friends." He moved closer and pulled out a watch placing it in the table.

"If we hang, we hang together."

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