Extra ~ Happy Birthday

344 10 9

4th of June 1758

~George's pov~

I yawned slightly and rubbed eyes. The sight of a picturesque town filled my vision and I lazily followed the guards in front of me. See today was my 12th birthday and my father promised me that I could get something in town. And so here I was following and being followed by a group of guards. Of course, since I was a Prince they couldn't risk losing me, so I was basically in a walking cage.

"Your Highness does this suit your needs." one of the guards smiled and held up a decorated book. I pushed my light hair away from my face and waved him away.

The guard bowed and we continued to walk around. Of course, we were only going in the boring parts of the town. It was quite annoying but that was what a Prince/Future King had to deal with. I sighed again and they lead me through another crowd. I switched off slightly and saw something that looked interesting. I slowly tucked away and started to travel through the crowd.

I soon found myself in a completely different place, my surroundings completely changed. My shoulders awkwardly shivered and I started to pop my head up trying to find the guards. I continued walking around like a mole until I felt someone hit against me.

"Ow!" the voice of a young girl called out and I looked to see a girl about 5 or 6 sittings on the ground. "S-sorry." I nervously spoke and gestured my hand out. The young girl pouted slightly and took my hand. "Thank you." she thanked me. I grinned and she sat up dusting her skirt off. "I lost my mommy and daddy and now I can't find them." she frowned. I awkwardly smiled and patted her head. "Well your just as lost as I am, maybe we can walk together," I suggested.

The little girl gave me a half-smile and grabbed my hand. "Ok then.." she looked at me wanting my name. "G-George," I replied. The little girl grinned, "Well G-George follow me." she pulled my hand and we began walking around.

"So where are you from?" I asked. She turned to me and her eyes shone slightly, "My mommy said I'm not allowed to tell anyone. Especially boys." she stubbornly stated. I chuckled slightly and she began walking again. "How about you G-George," she asked, mocking my stuttering. I looked down at her and smiled, "Well it's not fair if you don't tell me where you're from." I teased her. The little girl flushed slightly and pouted.

"Y/N!" a woman's voice called out and the little girl's head turned. She let go of my hand and she ran towards the woman. "Mommy!!" she cried. I giggled slightly and watched the little girl or Y/N hug her mother. Y/N gave me another look and smiled. I smiled back and she and her mother disappeared. I grinned to myself again and I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Your Highness where were you?" I turned and saw the soldiers looking at me. I grinned and fiddled with my fingers, "Got lost finding something I like." I explained. The guards gave me an odd look and one of them spoke. "Did you get what you wanted, your Highness?" he questioned.

I turned back around and saw a glimpse of the little girl again. I had never talked to commoner let alone a girl one and yet I felt happy. The guards waited for my response and I grinned,

"Of course."

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