Author's Note - Ages

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Hello there! Just a quick AN about ages.

This story is set in 1776 at the moment. Y/N is 23 and Ella is turning 20 in June.

Now as you may know Samuel and George are far much older if we use how old they actually were at this time.

Exhibit A
Samuel - 47 (1729)
George - 38 (1738)

As you can see they are mych older. And even though Y/N and Ella are over the age of 18 this still is a big creepy. So, to combat this George and Samuel will be a few years younger. Even though this is more based on the musical versions of these characters I still want it to be accurate time wise.

Exhibit B
Samuel - 27 (20 years younger)
George - 30 (8 years younger)

These will be the new ages. Hope you understand.

Ok now back to the story.

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