Chapter 25 ~ Erasing Captivity

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13th of May 1779

~Y/N's pov~

The room was quiet, only the breathing of two people could be heard. I started at the celling counting the seconds. Each time the reach 60 I looked over at George to see if he was asleep. But each time I looked he was still reading some novel.

Minutes past by and the night grew older. George still stayed awake, reading and I waited. I waited for the candles to flicker and for George to fall asleep. But he still stayed awake.

I soon watched George put down his book and turn to me. His eyes were tired and icy. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled closing his eyes. The warmth cradled me and I soon found myself drifting of.

But I didn't. I waited. Minutes turn to an hour and George soon fell into deep sleep. His grip on me loosened and I slowly pried his arms away.

George mumbled slightly and turned on his back. I sighed and got up from the bed. I quickly retrieved a suitcase I packed and tied it to my waist. I walked slowly along the floor and opened my drawer stealing on of George's coats. I miraculously found one that wasn't a bright shade of yellow or red and slid it on.

I then went to the back of the drawer and retrieved the boots I had previously stolen from a guard. I put them on and made my way to the oak door. My cold hands grabbed the metal and I gave George one last look. I turned around and sighed, I then  opened the door finally leaving.

I carefully walked down the corridor looking for my children's room. I soon came across there room, I slowly opened the door and saw them peacefully sleeping. I quickly picked up Matilda and tied her with some cloth to my back. I then went over to Frederick. I picked him up and carried him gently. His blue eyes suddenly opened, "Mama?" he asked drowsily. I  put my finger on his mouth and smiled, "Shhh." Frederick's eyes fluttered and soon closed. I sighed in relief and quickly backed out of the room.

I was now headed to the garden. I slowly adverted the guards and wondered my way to the garden. Matilda and Frederick were luckily deathly silent. I slowly walked onto the dewy grass with only the moonlight to guide me. Slowly I made my way to the spot and say a silhouette standing.

I walked towards the person and there face became visible. "Are you Mr Charles Lee?" I asked. The man moved forwards, "Yep, you must be Queen Y/N then." he smiled putting his hand out. I took his hand and shook it, "I prefer Y/N."

Charles smirked, "You want me to carry that." he said pointing at Frederick. I smiled, "That would be nice." and I handed Frederick over. "Well we better get going, just incase your husband wakes up." Charles smiled. "Yeah." I replied.

I then followed Charles through the garden and all the way to a small field out side the castle. "Here's our ride." he directed his hands to two horses, "You can ride a horse, right?" he asked.

I awkwardly looked at the ground. Charles face-palmed. "Yeah probably never ridden a horse before have you?" he said. I stared nervously to the side, "No I haven't."

"Right, the only thing you've ever ridden was King George." Charles smirked. I gave Charles an annoyed look. He laughed, "Just kidding. Anyway this horse shouldn't be to hard." he smiled.

"Also do ya have any more cloth, I want to make sure the heir to the English throne doesn't fall of a horse mid escape." Charles laughed. "I do have this." I handed him a piece of white cloth. "This should do." he said grabbing the cloth.

He grabbed the sleeping Frederick and tied him to his back. "What have you been feeding this child, he ways more than me." Charles huffed. I scoffed and mounted the horse. Charles got on his horse as well. "Allonsy!" Charles yelled out. The horses began to trot. "Now at first you may bob up amd down like an idiot but after a while you'll get the rhythm." Charles explained. I jittered and held on tight to the horse. "Y-you c-could o-f s-said th-hat earlier-r."

Charles chuckled. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You'll get used to it your highness." Charles remarked. "What the horse?" I asked. Charles smirked, "My alluring charm." I rolled my eyes and giggled. We finally reached the boundary of the farm and began to enter a forest. For the first time in three years I finally felt free.

~later on~

We had already gone deep into the forest when Charles caught me off-guard. "So Y/N, how did you become the Queen of England?" Charles asked nonchalantly. I looked over at him.

"Well it's a long story. But basically what happened was one day my dad got a letter from my uncle asking me and my cousin to spy on the British. Then ya de da, George fell in love with me, forced me to marry him, I had his son and I tried to escape with Samuel and Ella but we failed. Then I had Matilda a few years later and yeah that's it."

Charles became silent, "Oh." he awkwardly replied, "Sorry for asking." he looked down. "Nah it's ok." I reassured him. Charles smiled back and directed his gaze back ahead.

"So Charles why did Samuel send you." I questioned. Charles turned to me, "Oh me, well it's kinda weird to be honest." Charles smiled awkwardly. "I'm fine with weird. Come on tell me." I pleaded.  Charles huffed, "Well I basically owe Samuel a favour."

"A favour?" I asked

"Yeah basically what happened was that I wad promoted to second in command by Washington. I was happy sure but when we went it to battle I kind of chickened. After that I insulted General Washington, and I angered alot of people, especially John Laurens who challenged me to a duel. I obviously agreed and we set a date. But a few hours before the duel Samuel managed to convince John Laurens to not duel me. It worked and I apologised to Washington. So When I found out what Samuel did I went to him and asked him if I could repay him. And basically he asked me to rescue you."

"Oh, cool." I answered.

"Anyway were almost at the harbour. How's your first day being free?" Charles smiled staring at the rising sun.

I glanced around at my surroundings, it had been three years since I had been in the outside world. I smiled, "Great."

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