Chapter 12 ~ Hopeless

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15th of June 1776

~Third person pov~

It was silent in the room which Y/N was in. She was shuffling papers and sorting them.

When Y/N signed up for a cleaning job she didn't expect to find herself do work as important as this.

Despite the oddness of her situation, she had an easier way to acquire information for the revolution. She scanned papers and silently took notes of things.

Right now she was sorting out some sorf of tax documents. Y/N took notes in her notebook scribbling and important details.


Y/N jolted around to face the door.. 'Who was it now?'

"Come in please." she mumbled turning back to the paper work. The door handled twisted and George walked inside the study.

"Ah I see you've already started on today's work Miss L/N." Y/N froze and slowly slipped her notebook away.

"Y/N can I ask you something?" he sat on the green couch which was in the study.

"Yes sire. Ask away." Y/N put down her quill and faced the King.

"Is Samuel courting you?" he asked curiously. Y/N's cheeks flushed a light pink, "No sir, what would make you think that?"

He smiled and rested his elbow on the arm of the chair. "Oh its just that you two seem very close." Y/N sighed, "Actually Samuel seems to be attracted to my younger cousin more." Y/N eyes darkened with slight sorrow.

"B-But it doesn't matter to me, they're really cute together anyway and make a great pair. Anyway Ella's way more attractive than me, and charming." The King chucked at Y/N's stuttering.

"Nonsense Y/N, even if she was prettier your wit far exceeds hers."

Y/N felt offended, "Excuse me your majesty but are you saying Ella is dimwitted." Y/N folded her arms in discomfort.

The King awkwardly moved closer, "Of course not Y/N, Ella is actually quite smart. What I was saying is that you are something special."

Y/N felt her cheeks warm up, "Oh, thank you." she awkwardly stuttered. "It's my pleasure Y/N." George replied. He then got up from his seat, "Well I better go, make sure your not late with the documents. I'll need them by 4pm sharp." Y/n nodded in reply as he walked out the door.

Y/N turned back around to her work, why did she feel so...


~ King George's pov~

I quickly shuffled out of Y/N study.

I felt my cheeks warm up and tingle. Why did I feel so flustered? I walked through the halls to were the meeting was held.

I couldn't get Y/N out of mind. I know she's been spying on me but I still don't want to punish her.

I wish there was a way for her too stay here without spying. Maybe I could pay her extra and convince her to work here, it'll convince her to not support the revolution. I mean who wouldn't want to work as a royal secretary.

Anyway in the meantime I'll continue to feed her false information.

It seems cruel, but I can't let her give those rebels an advantage. I better get going though, the general's want to discuss some war stuff.

I open the door and is greeted by the generals. I sit down.

"So then, what's our next move?"

~Ella's pov~

"Da da dat da dat da day ya da" I hummed to myself while sweeping the hall.

Ever since Y/N got a new job as a secretary, I've been the only one cleaning the hall. I miss talking to her but her job is more important than mine.

I just really want go home. And I wish I could see Samuel again.

I miss America, I miss my parents and I miss my old life. Sure I'm better off than most, but still I feel lonely.

Y/N is the only person I trust here and I hardly ever see her.

I thought this job would be fun, but it looks like it provoked a new sense in me, why now do I feel hopeless.

~Third person pov~

Dear Edward,

Here is another gift. It is for you to pay your taxes.

Alice and I are doing well. Alice says to tell her father that she misses him.

Sincerely, me

Y/N finished the letter and attached it to Charles's leg along with the notes she took. "Okay, Charles. See you soon." y/n opened the window.

Charles's grey wings fluttered and soon blew air into Y/N's face. The pigeon flew away and slowly faded as he approached his destination. Y/N heard someone walk in.

"Y/N I want to go home." Y/N turned to see Ella sitting on Samuel's bed.

Y/N turned to her cousin, "Why Ella." Ella bowed her head and started sobbing in sorrow.

"I-I miss Sa-amuel, I-I miss m-my parents and Y/N I miss you." Ella burst into tears causing y/n to rush to her cousins side.

"Hey Ella it's ok. Samuel will only be gone for a while. Besides it's safer here in England than America." Y/N rubbed her cousins back.

"B-But my family! I really miss them." Ella continued to bawl. "Ella, I miss my parents too, but we need to stay strong. If we become sad it shows that the British can squash our spirit." I explained.

"For a British person, you do sound spiteful whenever talking about the British." Ella chuckled softly. I laughed, "See your already better. But hey, we'll stay until Samuel gets back and if you're still upset we can always resign." Ella smiled at me, "Y/N thank you for worrying about me. But be careful to, what your doing is really risky."

I smirked, "If I didn't know it was risky, I wouldn't be doing this." Ella laughed and held me tighter.

"You know Y/N now your here I don't feel...." I looked at my cousin, "You don't feel what?"


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