Chapter 40 ~ Everything's Great

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~Part three - What he wanted~

12th of July 1781

The small bakery nestled in the heart of New York. Owned by a 28 year old woman named Y/N.

Her life was as good as it got, many say she was a happy person. She lived in the upstairs of her bakery with her two children, parents and adopted brother. And although the bakery didn't provide Y/N with a lot of money she was rich in other ways, she had friends and a loving family.

But a few things did bother the city folk of New York. No one knew were she was from. Many guessed England due to her accent but she never truly revealed. Another thing was that she never talked about her husband or father of her children. She was a mystery in the city of New York, but nevertheless people were fond of the woman.

Y/N L/N, a baker, mother and daughter. She was as normal as it got, but yet mysterious.

Who was she really?

~Y/N's pov~

The morning sun peaked through the orange tinted window. I smiled and continued to knead the dough in my hands. "Morning Y/N your up early." I turned to see my mother holding a cup of tea. "Yep, just thought I'd start a bit earlier." I smiled. My mother sat down on a wooden stool and smiled taking a sip of her coffee.

"Y/N!" Some yelled from outside the shop. My head flinched and I dusted my hands on my apron. "Must be Alex with and update I guess." I sighed. My mother chuckled, "Your lucky to have friends like that Y/N." she smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked out the bakery.

"Y/N! There you are." Alexander exclaimed. I looked at him, "What's the news this time." I smiled. Alexander looked around and pushed me inside. "Sit down." he instructed. I agreed and sat down on a chair. "So what's the deal this time, any progress on the war." I smiled. Alexander looked up at me with a serious face. "Y/N, George has tightened the search for you drastically. We've gotten information that states he's been sending spies out here." Alexander explained. I looked down, "He's still trying? I'd thought he'd move on by now." I rubbed my temple in frustration. "I just hope George can move on, I mean though he's caused me more pain than anyone else has I still want him to be okay." I flayed my hands.

"I'm sure he'll come to his senses. I mean, if Eliza didn't love me, I wouldn't tear a whole continent down, I'd let her be." Alexander ranted. "Well George isn't like you, he's different." I spoke.

"Yeah different, as in most-my-family-tree-is-inbred." Alexander rolled his eyes. "Well you better go, I've got Frederick to take to school today." I smiled.

"Why doesn't he go with the other kids?" Alex asked. I looked down at my feet, "Some of the other children have been making fun of him for not having Dad. Saying that he's a Bastard and whatnot." I sighed. Alexander looked at me, "Horrible some kids are, Frederick's a lovely boy I hope he's okay." I smiled, "I informed the school so there aware, it's gotten better at least, he even made a friend last week."

Alexander smiled and stood up, "I better let you go then, see you around Y/N." I waved him goodbye and he walked out.

"Mommy why was Mr Hamilton here?" I looked at Frederick who was already fully dressed. "He and Mommy were just talking." I smiled. Frederick ran towards he and hugged my knees. "Mr Hamilton said that when I finish school he'll employ me and I'll get to help him kick the buts of the British." he smiled. "Oh that's nice, but I thought you said you want to be president." I smiled. "Oh yeah that two, I'm basically going to be America's General President." he proudly smiled.

"Really, well what's your first act then Mr L/N as President." I giggled. "Well firstly we will invade England, and then I'll make you the Queen mommy, beacuse you deserve it." he giggled. I laughed, "Well before you invade England I think we should go to school. Ok?" I smiled. Frederick looked left and right, "Yep! Also mommy Oscar asked if he and I could walk home today, and I was wondering if I could?" he looked up at me with puppy eyes. I laughed and pat him on the back, "Ok but as soon as the bell rings come straight home ok, and don't talk to strangers." I instructed him. Frederick fake saluted, "Yes Ma'am."

I laughed and held his small hand. "Let's go!"

~Ben's pov~

I sighed and lean against the wooden post, "To think we could be fighting rebels instead of this spying bullshit." My friend Oliver turned to me, "The King's crazy I tell you, I mean there's almost a hundred of us looking for his wife. I mean can't he just move on." he sighed. I folded my arms and read the piece of paper. "Looks like we have to patrol a bunch of preschoolers that are walking home, says here 'If any child looks like his Majesty, approach child and ask for full name' I mean what bullshit is this, why are we asking four year olds their names." I slapped the piece of paper. "Well we have to do as he says, unless you want to end up like Eric."

I scoffed and folded the piece of paper.

"Y/N L/N huh."

Why would you run away from luxury?

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