Chapter 73 ~ I'll Kindly Depart

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19th of May 1782

~Y/N's pov~

Wind blew in my face. My legs were speeding ahead and my face was forward not daring to look back.

I raced to the place Samuel and Ella's note stated. The place were it all went wrong. This was the place George proposed to me.

The place where my life was abruptly changed.

I never liked the spot because of that. But to deny that it wasn't beautiful was almost impossible. It was the most beautiful place for my life to go completely south.

My feet soon arrived at the familiar knoll and I felt droplets began to fall onto my skin. I wiped away the water beading near my face and I walked forward scanning the area for Ella and Sam.

The garden was its usual self except for the fact that rain was clouding my view. I squinted and saw a hand peeping out towards one of the hedges. I chuckled slightly and walked towards the bush.

I turned around and smiled looking at Samuel, Ella and Ben all smiling. "So then what's the story?" I laughed. Ella gave me a scolding look and she pulled me behind the bush. "Are you trying to get us killed?" She whispered. I looked at her and she frowned. I gave her a smirk and Samuel tapped my shoulder, "Come let's go, Oliver is waiting at the far side of the palace for us." He smiled pointing out to right. I looked at him and nodded. "Well then lead the way."

Samuel grabbed my arm and we began trekking through the trees that were up against the castle boundary. We snuck around the sprinting between clearings and avoid guards until we reached the far sidewall.

The wall was smaller than the others, naturally short because of the geography of the area. I gave Samuel an impressed look and he grinned untying a rope. He swung it up and he waited. "Rook." He called out and he tugged on the rope, "Bishop." Another voice called out and Samuel smiled. "Royalty first." I gave him a slight scolding look and he chuckled as I turned to grab the rope.

My soft hands gripped tightly and I used my arms to pull me up as my feet held me up. Each time I rose closer and each time I neared the edge.

I continued climbing until I felt my stomach churn slightly. My grip loosened and I fell slightly. "Y/N!" Ella called out slightly and I quickly gripped the rope back. I took a deep breath and turned to Ella. "Y/N are you okay?" I nodded slightly and smiled, "Just a bit sick." I replied and Ella gave me a warming grin and I continued pulling myself up until I reached the top.

I lifted my weight up with my hands and I turned my body. I looked down and saw Oliver grinning like a cat. "Lovely weather we're having your majesty." I looked at him in confusion but brushed it off. I shifted my waiting of the wall and I landed on the ground. "Very graceful your Highness." Oliver scoffed. I gave him an eye roll and he chuckled looking back up at the wall.

"Ah yes, the better cousin." He smiled and Ella scoffed looking back at him. "Move Ollie, I'm sadly not allowed to squash you." Oliver gave her a slight glance and he moved. Ella landed and she hugged me.

"Don't you ever stay with some crazy King just because your convinced he's actually kind-hearted, again. Because if I have to get executed again I will kill someone."

I looked at her and patted her back, "I thought you were all dead, to be completely honest." Ella grinned at me and pulled away staring up at Samuel and Ben. "So you ready to leave?" She looked at her fingers, "For the third time?" I chuckled and glanced over at the carriage.

"Of course."

~George's pov~

I looked down at the muddy footprints and followed them as I paced down. My breath was short and rain started to patter on top of my shoulders. But the rain didn't bother me, only the thought of losing my wife.

I loved and cared for Y/N and she wasn't going away any time soon. Yet ut still pained me to have to bring her back. Not because of the difficulty but the fact that I had to take her by force. I never wanted to be this kind of person but I had no choice. It wasn't just a matter of my happiness but my children as well. No longer did I feel selfish, but instead entitled.

The three years I spent in pain and alone were finally coming to an end. I'd finally get to be with my family and know that I'll never have to threaten or kill ever again.

I knew Y/N wouldn't get far, which was lucky for me. But I still had to hurry. Hurry, because I knew Y/N was determined to leave. I took a deep breath and followed the footsteps to the garden where I proposed to Y/N. I smiled slightly and peered around. The garden was completely empty and no footsteps were to be seen. The rain soon began to fall heavier and my eyes scanned faster as I shivered slightly.

Soon my eyes caught in something shining. My eyes lit up and I raced towards the metallic object that was peeking around from one of the hedges. I picked up the small chain with a cross on the end and envy enveloped inside me.

Envy that Y/N still loved Samuel and she still kept a piece of him with her. I cursed slightly and gripped the cross tighter. My eyes shook slightly and I noticed a few sets of footprints which only told me one thing. Y/N was not alone. I swung the cross necklace away and I ran following the footprints.

They led me through the lines of trees and across stretches of grass, all the way to the far wall.

I stood still and saw a rope swung the over the wall and the familiar jacket of a man I thought I sent to his grave. I ran towards the wall in disbelief.

Somehow, Samuel found a way to defy me even in his supposed grave.

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