Chapter One

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Your PoV

I am scrolling through my phone as I read the messages from my followers and supporters. I love reading their messages especially whenever they give compliments to my singing. 

But today is different. Just last week, an unexpected tragedy happened to my family.

We were just supposed to be eating outside to celebrate another success. We were on our way to our favorite restaurant. But that celebration led to a terrible happening. 

Our car crashed... I was in the car with my mom and dad. 

I wasn't really aware of what happened after that... until I woke up and saw my Aunt Kris. I was in a hospital room, beside me was a table filled with flowers, letters, baskets, and stuff. 

Then the same day, I found out that I no longer have my parents.I thought everything was just a bad dream. I wish it was just a bad dream. But it's not... 

It's been a week since that tragedy happened. Also, three days since I woke up after that crash. I am heading home as the funeral of my parent's death just ended. 

As much as I want to stay there, I can't. It's so tiring to face the people who expect you to be fine after losing the only two people that you grew up with. 

"I hope Y/N is okay. Just remember your fans will be always right here for you."

"Your fans will be just always right here, Y/N. We'll wait for your recovery."

"She always makes us feel better with her song covers, I wish we can do something to make her feel better too."

I turned my phone off after reading through my socials. I thought it will be a big help, but It just makes me feel more alone as I get to remind myself that my parents are gone.

"We are here, Y/N." Aunt Kris said as she's looking through the mirror.

I looked outside first, contemplating if I should go inside the house... It's not our house. I agreed to live with Aunt Kris for some time. She told me that she wants to look after me, I know that she's just worried too. 

The reason why I chose to live with her for a while too is because I know that if I will go back to the house, I will just keep on missing them. 

I get off the car and carried my stuff and Aunt Kris helped me too. Aunt Kris is Dad's sister. Aside from that, she's also my manager. She manages my guesting at some events, and so on. 

She doesn't have her own family making her the only person in her house... At least not for a while as I will be staying with her.

"Do you want anything? What do you want for dinner?"

"I'm good." I simply said then she walked me to my temporary room and helped me with my stuff.

The room is filled with silence as I unpack my things and Aunt Kris is helping me. I could feel that she was checking me, it wasn't hard to tell when someone was watching you especially if you get used to it.

"Y/N... I know it's hard for you, but you'll get through this. You are stronger than what other people think, I know you'll be fine someday."

"Too impossible right now. I lost my parents, I feel like I just lost everything... I feel like there's no point in living anymore."

"Y/N, that's not true. There's always a reason to live. Right now, you just can't see it but soon, you will. And I will be here until that time comes."

After finishing fixing my things, I told my aunt that I want to take a rest already. She asked me again if I want to eat something for dinner, but I don't really feel hungry at all.

✔️Twice Plus One?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora